December, 20th - Part 3 of Nates POV

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I drove all night and got one speeding ticket, but it was all worth it. I was now sitting outside her apartment building at five in the morning.

Yes I looked like a creeper and to be honest I felt like it. What was I suppose to do now? I couldn't exactly just go racing up there and bang on her door.

She would definitely still be asleep and quiet enraged if I woke her up at this time. She'd probably come to the door in her pajamas, assuming she actually slept in pajamas. Wait... what!?

Sleeping garments aside, what would she think if I told her why I was here? Would she be thrilled, or too tired to comprehend my feelings?

You know your whipped when you're afraid that you're feelings won't be returned. Or when your sitting outside wondering if she wears pyjamas to bed.

Creeper? Yes. Whipped? Double yes. Am I afraid to tell her my feelings in fear she won't return them and dub me the biggest coward out there? Yes, yes and yes!

It was now seven in the morning and I'm still procrastinating! Then she walked out the door. She was dressed in her warm clothes, she hated the cold, and she was completely oblivious to the fact I was there.

She surprised me when she didn't get in her car instead she decided to walk to work. So like the creeper I was I followed behind her.

I wasn't stalking her, though I knew it looked like it, I was just trying to muster up the courage to go and say hi.

Simple I know but I was suppose to be away for another two days. Things are just so much more complicated when you like someone.

She arrived at the supermarket with me following silently. I noticed she looked toward the North Pole, where I worked, and seen her shake her head. Was she looking for me?

A smile crept into my face as I walked the last remaining steps towards her.

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