December 12th - Part 2

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Nate lead the way to Starbucks with me following beside him silently. What was I suppose to do or say?

'Just talk, about anything!' My conscious weighed in. I know that! But I don't even know what to talk about, or the right thing to ask or say.

*Just a side note: I have never been in a relationship. I'm 19 and probably the only girl my age who has never been on a date. So now you understand my hesitance*

During my mental debate I hadn't realised how close to the front we had gotten. We were next in line and I still didn't know what I wanted.

'What are you having Alice?' Nate asked in his husky voice and I felt my butterflies go crazy in response to him saying my name.

'Ah, um... to be honest I don't drink coffee.' I blurted the truth and then realised how stupid it sounded. He just asked me to coffee and here I was practically rejecting his offer.

'I mean, I don't like caffeine but-' he cut me off.

'Let me guess, you like sweet drinks. How does a hot chocolate sound?'

He guessed right. I nodded my head and watched as he walked up to the counter. 'A large tea with two sugars and a hot chocolate please.'

When it clicked he was going to buy my drink as well I quickly spoke up, 'Ah I will pay separately for the hot chocolate please,' I said to the young girl behind the counter.

She nodded her head and was about to give me the price when Nate cut in, 'No. I will be paying for both of them,' he corrected.

I touched his arm, immediately retracting my hand as the butterflies in my stomach danced. 'No it's ok, I will pay for mine.'

Nate turned around to look at me, 'It's ok because I asked you too coffee, so it's my shout ok?'

I felt incredibly guilty as he handed the money to the poor bewildered and confused girl behind the counter.

'What name was that for?' The young girl asked and I couldn't help but notice her eyes never left his. It was like she was begging to make eye contact with him, and not that I blamed her, but it made me furrow my brows.

I felt my stomach twist uncomfortably but sighed in relief when he didn't show her any unnecessary eye contact.

'Hmm, how about...' He thought to himself for awhile. Was he wondering whether to put it under his name or mine? I was about to say my name when he spoke, 'Nalice.'

The young girl behind the counter looked confused as I felt, but proceeded to write down the name. 'Shall we?' He asked before heading toward a seat.

I cringed when I saw him make his way toward the seats outside, but he did the unexpected again and took a booth inside.

'After you,' he said simply and I hid my red cheeks as I slid into the booth before him.

Once I was seated he slid in next to me, making me highly aware that we were only inches apart.

Looking for something to say I blurted, 'How do you know I like sweet things?' I looked to him then, not wanting to be rude and not face him when talking. But as I did the closeness of his face made my heart flip.

As he answered I very slowly angled myself so I wasn't as close, but so I could talk to him comfortably. 'You work in a lolly shop don't you?'

'Yeah I do, but that doesn't mean that I would like sweet things,' and it was true. For all he knew I loved the taste of bitter lollies.

'You look like you like sweet things. And you don't like caffeine so that must mean you don't like bitter things, right?'

'Did he just read my mind,' my conscious spoke. I have no idea but he was good at guessing.

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