December 10th

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Wednesday December 10th


I groaned as I started to come to. My body felt stiff and I was aching in various places, and when I tried to move my head another groan escaped me. There was also a headache lurking in the back of my head, announcing it's presence. 

Every joint and muscle in my body popped and groaned in protest as I sat up from the awkward position I'd been lying in, my neck was absolutely dead. Blinking I looked around me feeling completely disoriented. There were trees, a field of grass and a lake; this was definitely not my room.

"Oh crap," I groaned once more and sent an arm flailing in the direction of the lump that was Parker's sleeping figure. "Parker," my voice was dry and raspy from sleep. I cleared my throat and tried once more, my limp arm falling onto his shape over and over instead of nudging like I probably should have done, "Parker."

He slowly came to and by the looks of it was just as confused as me. His blonde hair stood out at every end, and he could barely get his eyes to open; it was an incredibly cute sight to behold.

"What?" Parker mumbled, squinting his eyes at me and frowning like he couldn't understand why I was here, with him, this early.

"We fell asleep," I told him, but it didn't seem to sink in so I gestured wildly at the trunk and our surroundings. "It's morning. We fell asleep."

Parker's face went from blank to looking a little lost, "Well, shit."

I nodded as a way of responding and rubbed my aching head. "What time do you think it is?"


"Very helpful, thank you," I chuckled, which then turned into a full on laugh. Parker looked at me with confusion, but then joined in as well. "I need to move," I announced, wanting to get my body's circulation back to normal. I practically had to crawl to the end of the tailgate and lower myself onto the ground, my body was still half asleep.

Once on solid ground I stretched myself as far into the air as my body would allow, chasing away all the discomfort. A rather loud breath left me alongside a groan as I shook off all the sleepiness. 

"Okay," I sighed, feeling a little more alive. 

And then I caught a glimpse of myself in the shiny surface of the truck.

Yesterday's soft locks stood out in all different directions and if I hadn't known better I would've accused my hair of going to a rave party without me while I slept. A yelp escaped me and I quickly pulled the bird nest that was now my hair into a ponytail in an attempt to get it all under control.

I looked over the edge of the truck and choked back laughter as Parker was sitting, looking as lost as ever, trying to abandon sleep and wake up but seemingly without any success.

"You okay over there?" I asked, hiding my grin behind the truck.

He nodded once and then yawned, "Yeah, I'll be there in a sec."

"We don't have to leave just yet, you know," I told him.

Parker stood up and stretched and just like with my body his also popped basically all over as his joints voiced their discomfort. "No, no. I have to get you home."

"No way."

That earned me another confused look and I sighed. "I'm not going home until I have some caffeine in me. No way am I facing down my parents for having stayed out all night this early without a morning jolt."

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