December 11th

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Thursday December 11th


I'd been at work since eight in the morning and even though I was only a little over halfway through my work shift, I had already started regretting letting Tom convince me into working twelve hours. I had opened Pleym alone, Tom had stopped by to help during the lunch rush and Emma was due to start at three. I was hoping to finally be able to take a lunch break myself once she got here, but so far it was still a little time away.

People seemed exceptionally messy today, I wasn't sure if it was because I was alone that I felt this way or if it was actually the case. I kept having to rush to clean tables and then get back to the counter to take and make orders. Efficiency was key, but I still felt like I was lagging behind at times. If Tom hadn't showed up for the lunch rush I would probably have died from anxiety.

Or at least, you know, panicked a little.

However, I was too busy to have a second to breathe let alone to think about anything else than work, which was a plus. This was one of the things that were not great about December; people tended to get sick with a cold or the flu, and people like me would have to pull double shifts. It wasn't a particular great time during the year to already be understaffed, but I probably wouldn't complain once the paycheck rolled around.

I was in the middle of making a white mocha when Em suddenly appeared out of thin air, already in her uniform. She promptly stationed herself by the register and started taking orders.

"I didn't see you come in," I said as I placed another done order at the end counter where there was still two people waiting.

Emma handed over a plain black coffee to one of the customers waiting. "I figured, you looked a little swamped."

"That's the word," I agreed, once the last latte was given off to its awaiting owner I exhaled a long and pained breath. "Okay, I'm going on my break," I announced.

"Take your time," Emma said as she looked me over, "I'll come get you if it gets busy."

I nodded, feeling grateful. "I think the worst is over for now, but I'll be in the back if you do need me." I poured myself a cup of coffee and also grabbed two chicken sandwiches from the counter, "Put these on me, will you?"

"Sure thing."

Sitting down on an actual chair and allowing my body to relax was nothing short of glorious. I sighed in relief after downing my first sandwich, then I took to fetching my new phone while I nibbled on the rest of my lunch, washing it down with the hot coffee.

My stomach sank as I saw there were no new texts or any missed calls displayed on the screen. I wasn't sure what I'd expected exactly, but after such a wonderful date with Parker I'd hoped he'd contact me now that he knew I had a phone. He'd said he would use my number, but again it was the whole time lapse thing that bothered me, the not knowing when he'd decide to put the number to use.

Another sigh escaped me, this time from frustration, and I settled on playing a mindless game to pass the minutes. It didn't take long for my body to feel refreshed again, and now that I'd gotten both food and caffeine in me I practically felt like a new person. I bounded back into the main area of the shop, and cleared some more tables, loading the dirty cups and plates into the dishwasher before joining Emma where she was finishing up a lone customer.

Now that we finally had time for a breather I hugged her as a way of hello. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you!"

Emma chuckled, "Nice to know I'm wanted. But let's not get sick, okay? I think we've had our fair share of illnesses by now."

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