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I could tell that I had made Dominic uncomfortable earlier. It wasn't fair to him to do that, but despite his threatening appearance, somehow I knew that he wouldn't ever harm me, so I didn't shy away. I may be naive for thinking so, but I wanted to trust my gut. My eyes avoid the mirror as I step out of the bath and into one of the towels he left for me. I'm not tall, or blonde, or lithe. If I was, would Payton still have cheated on me?

Dominic is kind, absolutely the kind of person I want, need right now, as a friend. I think and overthink my apology. After my skin is dry, I slip into his t-shirt and it swallows me whole, reaching almost to my knees. Sure, Dominic is a very large man, maybe around six-foot-four, but I am especially petite. I put on the boxers as well, giving up on the sweatpants that are about one foot too long. Looking in the mirror, I see that the t-shirt doesn't hide my curves and I find myself holding it away from my body, making it shapeless.

Dominic is lying on his bed with his hands on his head, his buzzed hair too short to even run his fingers through, when I enter the room. He sits up abruptly, his eyes darting down to my hands on his shirt, then my legs before looking back up at my face. I smile shyly. "Hungry?" He asks, no longer sounding tense and he leads the way towards his main room before I can even answer.

My short, wet hair drips onto my shoulders, dampening the white shirt but not to an uncomfortable point. "I could eat," I say honestly. I hadn't had dinner yet and I'd accidentally skipped lunch while running errands between work sessions. Dominic pats a black padded bar stool and then proceeds to walk around the bar top, into his kitchen. I hop up to my designated perch, my neck no longer straining to look up at Dominic as I sit tall and he stands a few feet away.

"Want a drink while you wait?" He offers and I nod enthusiastically. This situation, all of it, called for a drink. I wait and watch as Dom holds out different liquors.

"That one."

"How much?"

"The bottle," His eyebrows raise but he does what I ask, sliding the whole bottle of whiskey, the good stuff too, over the counter and into my outstretched palm. He also slides a glass over and I pour much more than three fingers. This seems like a great band-aid for my ego tonight. Dom watches as I pour the liquor into the glass and raise it to my lips. I wince as it burns my throat but I drink it fast.

"Woah. I guess I've got to feed you faster before you burn a hole in your stomach," Dom laughs and shuffles around the kitchen, pulling out some chicken breasts, broccoli, and potatoes.

"Oh, you're making a real dinner. I would've been okay with grilled cheese sandwiches or something..." I trail off. Dom just shrugs.

"I know that the situation isn't ideal, but I'm glad you're here. We haven't gotten a chance to... hang out yet." He looks up at me and I shiver when my eyes make contact with his piercing ones. I look away quickly and pour myself another glass, sipping it this time.

I watch Dom's muscles contract as he chops, cleans, seasons, and cooks our food. He goes all over the kitchen, cleaning dishes as he goes and periodically glancing up at me. As the alcohol begins to dizzy my brain, I start to think very odd thoughts. Mostly about Dominic. I was admiring him, all of him, even the shape of his head. Not many people could pull off a buzzed head like he could, but his bone structure is unworldly handsome and I was convinced that his cheek would nick my palm if I were to touch him.

His eyes are arresting and right now, they are the color of ebony. They're also on me again. I sip my drink until it's gone and my head begins to feel tired. My head prefers laying on the counter at the moment, as long as my eyes can still watch the show before me.

"Are you a tease, Dominic?"

"Excuse me?" He answers, his dark eyebrows quirking up in amusement. I glare at him. I am not amusing.

"I asked you if you are a tease." I stand up now. My feet wobble slightly but I use the counter to balance me as I sidle around the counter and up to Dominic who stands between my body and the bar top now. "All of those...flirty messages that you sent me. Were they all for nothing? Because I'm here now. You could do anything you want to me but instead, you're cooking me dinner with a counter between us." He crosses his arms, causing the muscles in it to flex and my eyes dart down, quickly becoming distracted. Dom clears his throat.

"Do I just not live up to your—" Dom cuts me off quickly, backing me into the kitchen counter behind me, harshly gripping my hips with his fingertips, and attaching his lips to mine as he inhales deeply. He pulls away before my brain can catch up.

"Shut your blasphemous mouth Stella. There isn't a timeframe for getting over an ex... Let's give it at least a couple of weeks before I fuck you." He growls, nipping at my pouty lower lip. My chest is pulling in rapid breaths to slow down my heart and I stare at his clothed chest, my small hands glued in place on top of it.


"My dick will still be hard, I promise." He smirks, pressing his hips into me to show me the proof before winking and turning his back on me to continue to cook the chicken like nothing happened. I don't move for fear of disturbing the air or whatever the hell just happened. My eyes stay fixed on Dominic's back, blinking as my sedate brain tries to wrap itself around this new development.

I sure as hell can't un-ring the bell now.

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