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"So happy we could come man. Good to see you two happy." Dominic says as he smiles at the couple and pulls me closer into his side. I lay my head on his chest and nod.

"Yeah. We were so happy to see the invitation. I've heard stories about you guys." I grin as Sienna and Dante share a mischievous look. They break apart after a short but sweet kiss and Sienna walks towards me, pulling me away from our men.

"I am so glad to finally have another woman at one of these events, my god." She exclaims and I laugh, easily linking my arm through hers. "Can I have a sip of your drink?" She asks out of nowhere and I furrow my eyebrows but hand it over. She nods her head at me and sips it before handing it back. 

We keep walking in silence, but I feel comfortable with Sienna.

"So how long have you known?" She asks and I tilt my head to the side as I look at her.

"Known what?"

"That Dom is gonna be a daddy. There's no way he knows or his hand would constantly be touching your stomach. Dante would have glued his hands and face to mine if I'd let him." She laughs easily as she watches her little red-headed boy Sammy build a sand castle with his uncle Mattheo.

"How...?" I ask, my eyes nervously darting towards Dominic as my hands rest on my flat stomach. Her head gestures toward my drink.

"I had a feeling that you were either trying, or already pregnant by the way you acted around the kids." She shurgs unapologetically and I bite my lips to hide my excited smile.

"I'm fourteen weeks along. I don't know how to tell him. We've had the talk, and he says he wants kids if I do, but I'm just being irrational." Sienna places a calming hand on my arm.

"Hey. There's no right way of doing this. There is a wrong way though, and that's not involving him. He's so good with kids, how could you possibly doubt him?" She says with a smile, looking at her son and watching as Dominic now joins them with a smile.

"I know that you're right. It's just..."

"Scary." Sienna finished and I nod. Sighing, I wave to her and walk over to join the sadcastle building.

"Hey babygirl. You met Sammy and Mattheo." Dominic reintroduces me and I nod, kneeling beside them and leaning into Dominic's shoulder. Looking down at the diamond on my left ring finger, I feel renewed enough to tell him. 

"Hey Dom, walk with me?" I ask and he agrees happily, saying goodbye to the guys before standing up and helping me. My bare feet dig into the warm sand and I take Dom's hand in my own.

"What's up Stel?"

"I've got a big secret." 

"Do you now?" He asks teasingly and stops walking so that he can face me. I nod. "Well are you gonna tell me, or do I have to guess?" 

"I'm gonna tell you." 

"This year? Or..." I punch his arm lightly and laugh.

"We need to go shopping." 

"Shopping." He says, deadpan.

"Yep. We can't exactly bring a baby into this world without a place to sleep or..." I trail off and look up at Dominic, but his expression is casual.

"Are you playing with me, Stella?" 

"I'm not."  I shake my head and purse my lips nervously.

"You're pregnant? With my baby?" His eyes light up and a smile starts to stretch his lips.

"No Dom. It was an immaculate conception." I raise an eyebrow.

"You're gonna have my baby?" He says as if he's scared to be happy. Tears prick at my eyes and I nod as my lips tremble. "Oh baby. Thank you." He says and he picks me up tightly, spinning me around and not letting my feet touch the ground when he stops, just holding me there against him as he looks into my eyes.

"So you're happy?" 

"I've wanted this since I first met you babygirl. I'm so goddamn happy." Dominic says and kisses me like the first time. Like he'd been holding back all this time and finally broke free from whatever was keeping him restrained from loving me.

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