Chapter 1

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Error was sitting in front of Ink, staring at the smaller and currently emotionless skeleton.  Ink had misplaced his sash of vials which, surprisingly, wasn't uncommon with how forgetful he was.  It was just trying to figure out where it was left that was the problem.  He had already checked the Star Sanses' base, the Bad Sanses' mansion, and the doodle sphere.  It hadn't been in any of those places, so it was probably somewhere floating among AUs and antivoids.  If Error wasn't able to find it, he would probably make Ink and new sash and get him new vials of paint.

One thing that confused Error was why he cared.  Perhaps it was that, if he battled Ink again, he would feel bad knowing it was currently an empty shell.  Maybe something in him just thought that Ink deserved better.  All Error really knew is that he would help Ink, whether it meant traveling the entire multiverse or showing Ink he could knit.  After a bit, he tried to get Ink to retrace his steps, but Ink couldn't remember.  Error then grabbed Ink's hand and led him through different AUs and antivoids, trying to see if Ink thought he might've lost his sash in one.  Ink shook his head every single time.

Since it was getting them nowhere, Error took Ink back to his antivoid, sitting and starting to knit him a new sash.  He might've cared, but he wasn't patient.  Ink kinda quietly plopped down next to him and waited, seeing what he would do.  Error was quick, but still quite accurate in his knitting, finishing the sash in about half an hour.  He handed it to Ink, who put it on.

"G-g-go find you're pai-aints or whatev-v-ver.  I'm n-not gonna d-do it fo-or you-u."

Ink kinda nodded and drifted off a bit before inking(teleporting), probably to do as told.  Error sat and seemed to wait, but new that Ink probably wasn't going to help.  Instead, he leaned back, thinking about what to do, if there was another way to help Ink.

How does one feel emotion exactly?  Without vials of paint?  Would each monster have their own thing that would help them feel if they didn't have a...

Error abruptly sat up, "A soul!" Realizing he was screaming to himself, kind of, he laid back down.  The antivoid echoed the yell, changing it bit by bit until it echoed differently.

"A soul... A soul... Monster... Soul... Monster... Needs... Soul... Monster needs... A soul... Reaper... Has souls..." It muttered to Error in the end.

Error had covered his ears, not meaning to yell, but started to uncover them toward the end, realizing what the area around him was saying.  After a bit, he stood, the echoes fading, and opened a portal.  He didn't know where Reaper was, so he'd really need to look, but he had a few ideas.  How, exactly, would convince Reaper though...?

Helping a Missing Soul(Finding Love I: ErrorInk)Where stories live. Discover now