Secret Surprises

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8:36 AM, November 16th.  30 minutes before Chapter 1.

Ink was standing in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror.  Error was out getting groceries, so Ink was alone.  He was looking at himself in the mirror, imagining himself in the future.  When he had woken up after the attack, the doctors had told him something very surprising.  Turning to the side slightly, he checked to see if it had taken its effects on his looks yet.  Apparently not.  That was good.  He was having trouble believing it himself and he needed some time to figure out how to tell Error.

The doctors had also told him that he was lucky to be hit where he was.  Lucky.  Suppose that's a good word.  A strike any lower and he wouldn't have gotten any news like this at all.  Sighing, he left the bathroom, taking his sweatshirt from around his waist and putting it on.  It was colder in the house than he thought.  Then again, Error had usually been around him.  Going to the living room, he curled up on the couch and turned on the tv, waiting for Error to come back.

9:06 AM, November 16th.  Beginning of chapter 1.

Error came back and set the groceries down in the kitchen.  He then went to find Ink and found him asleep on the couch with his sweatshirt on and the tv at low volume.  He smiled slightly, picking up Ink and bringing him to one of the bedrooms to sleep.  Once he had Ink tucked warmly into the bed, he went back to the kitchen and put the groceries away.  While he was out, Dream had asked him to get Cross from the Bad Sanses, seeing as Error probably had the easiest way in and out.  Opening a small portal, he made sure no one was paying attention before dropping something in Nightmare's food that would put him to sleep.  He had no need to worry about the others.  They wouldn't bother him.

He waited, maybe, five minutes before he opened a portal to the main hall.  It was empty.  He then went to find the kitchen/dining room.  Once he had gotten Cross to Dream, he opened another portal back to the house he and Ink lived in.  His first objective was to go back to Ink and curl up next to him.  Spooning Ink, he wasn't surprised about the warmth the smaller skeleton's stomach gave.  While it was unusual, Error already knew why it was there.  He trusted Ink enough to wait to be told.  It was a big thing, after all, and Ink would have to adjust to it before he might be comfortable enough to tell Error.

The taller skeleton would help the best he could without telling Ink he knew.  He would be happy to do so.  Eventually, he was half asleep while he waited for Ink to wake up.

Helping a Missing Soul(Finding Love I: ErrorInk)Where stories live. Discover now