Chapter 3

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Error didn't know how long it'd been since he asked Reaper to help him get Ink a soul.  It could've been minutes, months, or even decades.  He had spent the entire time in the antivoid, so he could be fairly found. When Reaper finally appeared, Error turned to him, waiting for what Reaper would say.

"Unfortunately, Error, I will not help you.  I am incapable of doing so."

"Tha-a-at's... dis-sappoi-oi-ointing-ing?"

Reaper went back to Reapertale to do his own thing.  Error thought about it for a few seconds before standing and opening a portal to Ink's Doodle Sphere.  It was empty, so he just laid down where he was and fell asleep, waiting, even if he didn't know what for or why.


Ink had been checking on AUs, wondering why Error hadn't seemed to do anything for the past few days.  Or, maybe he was looking for Error.  He didn't know, but, either way, found him when popping up in his Doodle Sphere.  Error was sound asleep on the "ground".  Why was he here and not asleep in his own antivoid?  He walked over, kneeling next to Error.

"Hey... Glitchy...?"

Error stayed asleep.

"Error?" He gently touched Error's shoulder.  Error mumbled something incoherent.  Ink took his hand of Error's shoulder again.

"Glitchy, are you alright?"

"Mm... wha-a-at...?  'M fi-ine... why-y-y do you as-s-sk...?  Or care-re...?"

"Well, you're asleep in my Doodle Sphere.  I just had to check and make sure."

Error opened his eyes, looking around and, realizing how close Ink was, slid away, probably about ten feet.  Ink was confused for a second before he remembered Error's haphephobia.

"Oh, Glitchy, I'm sorry.  I forgot."

"Ya-ya-ya, Squid of cou-ourse you did.  Jus-us-ust be careful n-next time-me."

"I'll try, but no promises!"


"So, are you going to stick around or...?"

"I... d-don't kno-ow."

Ink gave him a surprised look, "Oh, well, you can stay as long as you want, I guess.  I'm kind of in and out so I won't bother you too much if you stay."

Error quietly nodded and stood, opening a portal to OuterTale and stepping through, sitting on the normal cliff and staring up at the stars, thinking.  Was there another way to get Ink a soul...?

Helping a Missing Soul(Finding Love I: ErrorInk)Where stories live. Discover now