Chapter 7

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It had been about an hour since Error had gotten his wrist shattered.  He was asleep and Ink was rather ticked at Nightmare, though still stayed to make sure Error was alright.  They had moved him onto the couch and covered him with a blanket before Dream went to get Blue.  At the moment, Ink was sitting in a chair and drawing in one of his many sketchpads.  He was wearing the sash that Error had made for him.  He couldn't help but glance every once in a while at the peaceful looking skeleton.  This was supposed to be a destroyer, and yet he was sleeping, unbothered, in his enemy's base.

Error moved slightly when Dream came back with Blue, though still didn't wake up.  Ink paused and looked up at the two.  Blue looked at Error curiously.

"So, what happened?"

"A portal opened and Nightmare slammed him into the wall.  Anything before that is unknown, at least to us."

"Well, I can stay with him if you guys want to go ask Nightmare or something."

"Would you?"

"Of course!  We don't want to leave him alone in our base, do we?"

Dream shook his head while Ink put his sketchbook away and stood.

"We'll be back."

Blue nodded as Dream and Ink teleported in front of Nightmare's mansion.  Ink followed Dream, who went and knocked on the front door.  It was opened by Dust after a few seconds.  He turned.

"Hey Boss, your brother and the Squid are here."

Nightmare stepped into the doorway after a second.

"Do you need anything?"

Ink let his anger show, causing Dream to step behind him and let him deal with it.

"You could've killed Error and you ask why we're here?!"

"I thought you were his enemy.  You should be happy that I almost killed him."

"Just because I'm his enemy doesn't mean I want him dead!"

"Alright, alright, calm down.  Did you have a question about it?"

"Yes, actually: Why did you almost kill him?"

"Because he was being quite rude in my opinion.  He waltzed in and insulted me."

"That doesn't warrant near death, Nightmare!"

"In my opinion, it does."

"That's because you're pretty much a dictator!  If anyone says anything bad about you, you try to kill them!"

He grabbed Ink's scarf, pulling him closer.

"Do you want to be next?"

Ink smacked Nightmare's hand away.

"No, I'm done.  If you do something like that again, it'll be more than a lecture."

Nightmare shrugged.

"Whatever you say."

Ink and Dream teleported back.  Dream immediately looked at Ink with raised "eyebrows".

"You like Error?!"

"How does that have anything to do with this!?"

"Yo-o-ou like me-me?"

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