Part 5

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TW: Hospital and abuse

At some point I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to a splitting pain in my head. I kept my eyes closed, I was scared to open them, terrified of what I might find. I wanted to believe that it had all just been an awful dream but I knew I wasn't that lucky. After some time I forced myself to open my eyes and the horrifying sight of the hospital room stood before me. It was all real, Izuku was in a coma, because of me. Oh god... Inko. How was supposed to face her? After everything she'd done for me, how nice she'd been, she used to take me in for days at a time when my mother's attitude got especially bad. She'd bake cookies and make us Katsudon, all the times I played heroes with her and Izuku, the times she sang to me when I had nightmares, all the times she'd looked after me and cared for me and this, this, was how I repayed her. Some hero I was.

I heard screaming from down the hall and sank back into the covers of the bed, I knew that voice. "Where is that damned kid! That brat! Making me drive all this way to pick him up! He should have walked! Not to mention what I'm gonna have to pay for insurance! Oh he's gonna get it! Katsuki! You hear me!? When I get my hands on you boy!" Goddamnit, stop crying, I couldn't cry, not now, I couldn't let her see me like this. I wiped the tears away with resentment and braced myself for what was to come next.

Not long after that my mother burst into the hospital room and her face adopted her "caring mother" look, it was all fake of course. "Oh Katsuki! My poor baby, are you alright, are you hurt? Oh come here, I'm so sorry baby. Come on, let's go home." Home. What was home? It certainly wasn't the place she referred to as home, it was my house sure, but that place was just about as far from "home" as I could think of. The closest thing I've ever had to a "home" is when I was a kid and I would stay with Inko and Izuku but I fucked that up big time, didn't I?

My mother went on and on about how devastated I must be and how I must want to go home so badly. She was wrong, I didn't want to go home, I wanted to go back, I wanted to make things right. I changed out of the hospital robe and we went to the front desk and I got checked out of the hospital. I shoved my hands in my pockets and found a note tucked into one, it was a note from the doctor along with a card containing his information. 

"Dear Mr. Bakugo,

I hope that you find this note. I want you to know that you can talk to me if you ever need anything or just simply want someone to talk to. The card contains my phone number, I hope that you won't be too afraid to reach out to me. Don't forget to come back in a week or so to see your classmate. -sincerely, Doctor Komatsu"

The note would have made me smile if I were capable of it but, unfortunately, my mouth refused to do so.

The car ride home was silent, not good. The moment we got inside my mother started screaming bloody murder at me, it lasted a good three hours and she ended up hitting me a number of times. I tuned out her screaming and decided it would be best just to wait it out. When she finally decided she was done, I walked up the stairs to my room and locked myself there for the remainder of the night, numb to my surroundings.

Author Note: sorry this part is short, if you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments. ~lee

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