Chapter 1

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Leia and Luke walk side by side down the white hallways. They're rarely seen apart. When there's one Skywalker, the other isn't far behind. It's been that way for as long as anyone can remember. Even the newbies can quickly point out the twins though they are almost polar opposites. Luke is much more approachable compared to the scowling Leia. Most people assume that they fight constantly, but not couldn't be more untrue.

Their clashing personalities make them an almost unstoppable force. Just when you find a weakness in one, you quickly discover that the other has that strength. They are a power team that seems only possible in legends.

Though the galaxy is in the middle of a war, their mother insists that they keep their studies up. Most kids their age have given up studying to do their part in the battle against the Empire so teachers are a rare find. Bail Organa gladly offered to teach them about politics and government issues though so that solved their problem. The subject comes easy to the twins, but that doesn't make it exactly fun to learn. The only enjoyment they have by attending is getting to spend time with Bail.

"There are my favorite students." Bail greets as they enter his office.

"Only students." Luke corrects with a soft smile. He shakes out his blond hair, keeping the waves from falling into his eyes. His mother has been hounding him to get a haircut, but he refuses. Part of it is because it's the one way he can rebel against her. The other part is because he likes it long.

Bail gives a soft laugh as they sit in their desks. Every morning, he has to drag them in from one of the other meeting rooms. There are a few feet between the twins so that they can't glance over each other's shoulders to peek. Not like these two would ever cheat. They're plenty competitive with each other, so that keeps their eyes on their own papers. They want to outdo each other in everything.

"I hope you two studied." He says as he rises from his desk.

"We studied. Didn't get a lot of sleep though." Leia says, leaning back in her chair. She takes a pin out and then quickly adjusts her hair. She slips it back in, her bun now tighter to her head. Her mother has been spending the past few years teaching her all of the different ways to style her hair. Leia enjoys learning from her, but she always finds herself sporting the double buns that many Alderaanians wear.

"You know the drill. Keep your eyes on your own paper then turn it in for me when you're done." He says, handing each of them their test. "And no secret twin language to talk about me." He teases.

"We haven't used that in years." Luke waves away as he grabs his pen.

"Right. Like you weren't just using it two weeks ago." Bail chuckles as he returns to his desk. The room is then silent besides the sound of their pens writing on the papers.

Bail has always had a soft spot in his heart for these two. He and his wife had always wanted to adopt, but it never seemed to work out. Once the twins were old enough to be alone for a few days, Padmé would send them to stay with him on Alderaan. Soon, they started spending summers out there, happy to be able to be kids. Living on a rebel base as children can become frustrating, so he takes them anytime they need a break.

He loves both of them greatly, but he spends most of his time with Leia. She comes with him on diplomatic missions while Luke prefers to stay and work on the ships. Bail and Leia share many memories together because of this. He teaches her about the new planets they visit and she helps remind him that not everything has to be so serious.

Leia loudly flips over her page, making sure that Luke knows that she's ahead of him. He sends her a quick glare as he flips his as well. He is going to beat her today.

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