Harry Potter?

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(Thechosenone is online)

(Weaselwithfreckles is online)

(Thesmartgirl is online)

(Thewhitehairhotguy is online)

Thechosenone: Where r we?

Weaselwithfreckles: Don't ask me.

Thesmartgirl: Its a chatroom

Thewhitehairhotguy: Wut's a chatroom?

Thesmartgirl: To chat duh

Weaselwithfreckles: How did we get here?

Thechosenone: u never know

(The Avengers are online)

(The demigods are online)

(Pepper is online)

(Jane is online)

(Peggy is online)

(Loki is online)

Everyone: WHO ARE YOU???

Thechosenone: We r wizards

Tony: We r d Avengers

Percy: We r demigods

Avengers & Demigods: Wizards?

Thewizards: The Avengers and demigods?

Thechosenone: We r all wizards from Hogwarts. Ron and i were in the Gryffindor common room then we appeared in here. As for Hermoine and Draco *death glares thewhitehairhotguy* I don't know.

Weaselwithfreckles: N wut is wif d names?

Bruce: Just press the settings button in the lower left corner and press the change name button

(Thechosenone is now Harry)

(Weaselwithfreckles is now Ron)

(Thesmartgirl is now Hermoine)

(Thewhitehairhotguy is now Draco)

Ron: Thanks a lot

Bruce: Ur welcome

Harry: So can u guys tell us why r we here now?

Steve: We have no idea too.

Natasha: There is one person that can tell us. TONY STARK!

Tony: Woah nat don't go bitchy

Leo: Somebody is in deep trouble

(Natasha is offline)

Jason: Did some here a clicking sound? It sounds like guns.

Clint: That should be nat

Pepper: U sure?

Clint: She just went out from my room with two guns in her hands

Peggy: Why r u two in the same room?

Clint: U never know

Tony: Somebody help me! Pepps help me!

Clint: Seems that Nat is torturing him

Pepper: Eeeps! Clint please stop her!

Clint: On my way u better come too

Piper: I should go to. Maybe I could use charmspeak to stop her

(Pepper, Piper and Clint are offline)

Tony: HELP! She's breaking my fingers one by one.

Jane: How can u type when Black Widow is breaking Ur fingers?

(Tony is offline)

Jane: That was rude

Sam: Maybe he is pain. Let's just pray that he will keep alive from the torture

Frank: Agree

Hazel: Percy and Annabeth u two seem to be quite

Percy: ...


Percy: U shouldn't had said anything Hazel

Hazel: Oops sorry

Frank: Is she okay?

Percy: Wut do u think?

Peggy: This is so confusing. Why not u introduce urselves

Harry: I'm Harry Potter.

Ron: I'm Ronald Weasley

Hermione: I'm Hermoine Granger

Draco: I'm Draco Malfoy

Harry: *Hisses at Malfoy*

Draco: *Hisses back at Harry*

Bruce: Weird. Our turn. Jarvis send them each a file of us and the demigods.

Jarvis: Yes master Bruce

Steve: Why not we have dinner and know each other

Everyone: Sure

(Everyone except Thor and Loki are offline)


Loki: Wutevuh

(Thor and Loki are offline)

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