Someone is in the tower?

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(Steve is online)

Steve: Hello? Anyone here?

Jarvis: Yes Master Rogers?

Steve: Oh hi Jarvis. Err can you get everyone online for me please?

Jarvis: But it is two-

Steve: Just get them, please.

Jarvis: Yes Master Rogers.

(Jarvis invited everyone online)

(All the Avengers are online)

(The four sistars are online)

(Loki is online)

(Genieve is online)

(Amabel is online)

Peggy: Who woke me up at two in the morning!?

Tony: This better be good. I was online with Haymitch here!

Pepper: And I was perparing the wedding!

Steve: Guys-

Bruce: It is two in the morning and I hate waking up without enough sleep! AVJRBBGGBFGBAGKVWJQVTT!EV

Darcy: Great. Now who set off the hulk?

Steve: Guys-

Thor: Who dare call me up during my slumber?

Jane: Shut up.

Steve: Guys-

Sam: Mommy...cookies...

Amabel: Why am I up?

Steve: Guys-

Clint: Why are we here? Aren't we suppose to be on a mission?

Natasha: Yes we are but someone decided to call us on.

Steve: Guys-

Genieve: Ughh who dare to interrupt us. We were having...

Loki: Shh baby Shh

Genieve: Oops

Steve: GUYS!

Peggy: Yes sweety?

Steve: There is someone in the tower!

Tony: What how can? Security here is tight!

Sam: Just ask Jarvis do a thermal scan.

Jarvis: On the way

Darcy: So we are here because someone is in the tower and the hulk is out!

Amabel: Yeah...

Jarvis: Thermal scan done. There are at least twelve people in the tower.

Clint: What? They better not go to my room.

Jarvis: Err Master Barton there is someone in your room playing with your arrows.

Clint: Nat we are going back

Natasha: But the mission-

Jarvis: There is also two people in your room Mistress Romanoff

Natasha: We are so going back now.

Jane: They better not come to my room...

Pepper: Tony total lock down!

Tony: Jarvis follow Mrs.Starks order!

Pepper: Cliché

Tony: Hehe

Peggy: My eyes! Burning!


Darcy: Hulk enough no smashing or I will not kiss you for a week!

Bruce: What just happen ?

Thor: How do you do that Lady Darcy?

Darcy: Let say he learned it the hars way.

Amabel: Loki? Genieve? You guys are quiet?

Genieve: Err nothing? Ahh Loki...

Loki: Oops?

Peggy: Are you guys? Ugh I don't even want to say that.

Sam: Ewww

Pepper: What are they- Ouh...

Tony: You wanna do it pepps?

Pepper: Tony!

Tony: Hehe

Steve: Guys that is not even the point.

Thor: What are they doing?

Jane: You are still too young, sweety.

Thor: But I am like five thousand years old now.

Jane: Still too young to me.

Thor: Fine

Amabel: Seriously Genny? What will Uncle Percy and Aunt Annabeth say?

Bruce: My gosh! You guys are polluting my innocent mind

Darcy: Like you have one...


Clint: We are back and see who I caught.

(Green Arrow is online)

Green Arrow: Let me go or I'll shoot you!

Clint: Shut up or I'll let my fiance shoot you in the head

Natasha: Touché. Guys I found these two idiots in my room!

(Superman is online)

(Wonder Woman is online)

Wonder Woman: Let me go and how can you tie me up with my rope

Natasha: You guys were in my room! Making out! Plus you left the rope on the ground yourself

Superman: I command you to let me go. I am Superman, head of Justice League!

Tony: DC alert! DC alert! Jarvis get all who are in the tower now. Avenger Assemble! Loki you too. We might need a trickster to help us.

Loki: Fine but I am not happy with that!

(Aquaman is online)

(Green lantern is online)

(Teen titans are online)

(Batman is online)

Jarvis: Got them Master Stark!

Tony: Good. Now interrogation!

Me and pepps- Batsy

Batman: Let me go and don't call me Batsy!

Tony: Steve and Peggy- Superman

         Natasha- Wonder woman

         Clint- Green Arrow

         Bruce and Darcy- Green Lantern

         Sam and Amabel- Aquaman

         How about the titans

Genieve: Me! Me! I have some tricks up of my sleeve.

Loki: And I'll help!

Tony: Okay. Genieve and Loki- Teen titans.

Now go!

(The chatroom has been diabled)

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