Chapter Six

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Browsing through the chair selection on Perigold's website, my eyes fell on a model with brass plated metal accents. I clicked on it to check the price tag, then added four of them to the shopping cart. Although Maksim hadn't given me a budget, I didn't like spending more than what I deemed necessary on certain items.

A knock on my office door drew my attention away from my computer screen. My boss, Matt, entered the room, cradling his mug of steaming coffee.

"Morning," he greeted, wearing his usual laid-back smile. The light-green sweater he'd chosen for the day matched his eyes.

"Hi, Matt," I said, leaning back in my chair. "I didn't know you were back."

He'd been in his hometown, in Ohio, for the past three weeks, visiting his sick and aging mother.

Matt sat down in one of the chairs facing my desk, crossing one leg over the other. "I came back yesterday. My mother is feeling better – for now, at least. Anything exciting happening while I was away?"

"I don't know if I'd call it exciting," I said, watching his reaction. "We have a new high-profile client."

"Oh?" He was still smiling.

"It's Maksim Volodin; the hotel mogul."

Matt's smile dropped off instantly. He looked as if I'd just doused him in gasoline and he was watching me light a match. "What did you just say?"

In the years I'd known him, I had never seen Matt look so disturbed.

"Maksim Vo – "

"I heard you," he cut me off sharply. He'd never used that tone with me. "How on earth did you acquire such a client, Evelyn?"

I decided to skip the pretense. "So it's true, then. The rumors are true."

"Of course they are." His expression turned exasperated. "Pretty much all of New York knows it."

I didn't think that last part was true, but I didn't dare contradict him. "How do you know him?"

He gave me a look that told me he didn't like my question. "What makes you think I know him?"

"He told me so."

With a defeated sight, he placed his mug on the desk. "Let's just say I made some bad decisions when I was younger." He was quiet for a moment, before adding, "If there are people in this city you don't want to know, he's definitely one of them. You need to stay away, Eve. Please, trust me on this."

"It's kind of late for that, Matt. He was pushy as hell. He made Andrew Lanier back out of the contract for his new office so I could start working for him immediately."

Matt's brows pulled together. "Please tell me you didn't sign a contract with him yet."

We had in fact signed the contract on Friday, after our dinner and the presentation. Maksim had wanted to sign it that very day. "I did."

He swore under his breath, running a hand through his graying hair. "You should have come to me. I wouldn't have allowed it."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think..." I trailed off, because there really was no excuse for not consulting with my boss first, especially when taking on a client with a questionable background. "To be honest, I was thinking that we can't afford to lose such an important client. He's paying double."

Matt shook his head, and the look of disappointment in his eyes gutted me. I had never been anything but an exemplary employee. I took great pride in my work. The fact that I'd somehow failed to manage the situation left a bitter aftertaste. "I don't give a damn about his money. Let me try to talk to him. He can find another goddamn company for whatever project he put you on."

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