Chapter 3 Fitting In

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It had been all of three days since she had last been in the medical wing, an awful habit Faith was making. Saracen hated visiting the medical bay, especially when a friend was the reason for the visit. He knew Faith loved to jump in head first but he had hoped he had made the case that it wasn't always the smartest option.

When he walked in Faith was laying on the bed, conscious and talking. She smiled when she saw him and waved him over.
"And what do I owe the honour?"
"Came to check up on you, how are you feeling?"
"Peachy, like always. Those Hollowmen really hit like a breeze of wind"
"I'm sure the bruise on your forehead agrees with that" He joked, she joined in until Lucian ran in.
"Bloody hell, are you okay?"
"Lu, I'm fine. Seriously"
"Why didn't you call back up Faith?"
"Because I had it under control"
"Lucian, relax. She's been in tougher scrapes"
"I'm well aware of the danger she chooses to run into Saracen, why are you even here?"
He shrugged. "Dexter's with his daughter. Skulduggery disappeared a few hours ago. Something about clearing his head."
"Right..." Lucian turned back to Faith. "You sure you're okay?"
"Yes Lu. I'm okay. So you can chill now"
He nodded, grabbing his phone when it beeped.
"Bloody hell...China's summoning me. I'll be right back"
He kissed Faith on the cheek, nodded to Saracen before walking out without another word.
"Well, can tell the stress has gotten to him"
"What do you mean?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"He told me last night about the British sanctuary. When they transferred him a few years ago, turns out they thought it was a temporary loan."
"Ahh. So they want him back?"
"That's the cherry, not only do they want him back. But before he left, he was a shoe in for the Grand Mage slot"
Saracen raised his eyebrows, impressed. "Damn, imagine the world's reaction to a dead men in control!"
Faith smirked. "He bounces back and forward from the idea, in the space of an hour he had had a debate about the pros and cons of taking the job. However, he would need to go back to England at least four days a week. If not indefinitely."
"There's the problem. The poison in the candy so to speak. So I assume he's not going to take it?"
"He says he won't, but he's trying to come up with a way he can take it and still stay in Ireland"
"I doubt that will work. What if he takes it? Will you go with him?"
" a conversation we have not had yet"
"Do you think you will?"
She sighed. "Honestly, I hope he doesn't ask. Whilst his head is in a good place, he's constantly trying to please everyone even if he gets the cost of it all"
"Well, time will tell will it not. I for one would rather neither of you went to Britain. And I can confidently say the rest of the dead men agree"
She smiled at him, the smile he had missed when they were a couple. Back when everything was simpler. Before Delilah, before Darquesse, even before Valkyrie came into the fold. He often regretted how it ended, but she was with Lucian now. And that wasn't going to change. Plus his mind was elsewhere.

Both of their phones beeped, looking down at it he saw a text from Skulduggery.
'Be outside in 10, important meeting'
"Who hosts an important meeting outside?"
She shrugged and jumped off the bed. "The most unconventional of people"
Their walk to the front of the sanctuary was filled with laughs and small talk. Catching up about how everything was going. When they got outside they saw Dexter already standing at the bottom of the steps. He turned at the sound of the door and waved to them and Saracens hearts did that jump it had started doing not too long ago.
"Don't suppose you know what this is about?" He asked as they got to the bottom.
"No clue, better be important though"
Dexter shook his head in jest. "What's the point of your power if you can tell us the simplest of stuff?"
"Insulting me won't get me to tell you what it is"
"Oh come on! It's been years Saracen! At least a hint"
He was saved by the horn. They all turned and saw the Bentley drive round to them, however, there was two people in the car.
"No way...."
Lucian jogged down the stairs behind them, wrapping an arm around Faith as not only Skulduggery got out of the car, but so did Valkyrie Cain.
"Oh my god!"
They all rushed forward, pushing everyone into a hug aside from Skulduggery.
"It's okay. I've had my quota of hugs today anyway" he waved. Locking the Bentley and walking round.
"Woah guys. I need breathing room"
They all backed off but the questions didn't.
"Where were you? We all looked for you"
"I was in hiding, I didn't want to be found"
"Okay everyone. Back up, yes it's glorious that I and Valkyrie have returned. But bombarding her with questions can wait."
"When did you leave?" asked Dexter, a frown on his face.
"Three hours ago, to go talk to Valkyrie"
"I wouldn't say that's a return Skulduggery"
"Nevertheless, time to talk to China"

As they all walked up the stairs, she watched them joke and laugh and chat. All having such a good time now that their friend was back. He had warned her this would happen. How she was always welcomed back with open arms. Never held accountable for her actions. Well the time for action was now. She pulled out her phone and called him.
"Hello?" His voice was distorted, a constant buzzing played in the background.
"I have news, she's come back"
"That is news, very exciting news. I assume the same happened that I told you?"
"Yes sir, it was like nothing had changed"
"I told you. I told you that people like them set the world up to benefit themselves and noone else. So hardworking individuals like ourselves are punished for the smallest of things"
"I want to kill them all"
"And you will get the opportunity my dear. But for now, rejoin us back at base. Phase tow may now begin."
He hung up, no goodbye needed. She picked her friend and climbed down the back of the hotel. She slipped into the bedroom she had used to get up and passed the family of bodies in the front room. Careful not to step on one of them, she manoveured around the mother, the father, and the two boys. Their expressions were of shock and terror. The father had been the first to die, a vain attempt to save his family. Then the boys, she had forced the mother to watch as she slit their throats. Then she dispatched the mother, quick and easy. Now all she needed to do was leave the hotel before anyone noticed. So that's exactly what Veronica did.

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