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A/N: This event took place in MGA 2018 😉

BTS and Charlie Puth went into their dressing room to freshen up after their not so great performance.

"I'm sorry Mr. Puth. Though the performance was a fail, we still hope you enjoyed joining with us this evening." Namjoon said. Nobody in the room understood what he said except for Charlie and his crew.

"It's alright. It was a great experience by the way. I still appreciate being invited and having to perform on the same stage with you guys tonight." Charlie said.

They bid each other's goodbye as Charlie needed to leave early and wasn't planning to stay long for the event anyway.

There was silence in the room as none of them didn't want to have any comments about their performance just a while ago.

The hyung line felt a bit sad for their poor performance tonight, while the maknae line was sharing a heavy atmosphere. Taehyung and Jimin were both guilty while Jungkook was disappointed and- well a bit mad for the two.

They all know how Jungkook was excited and wanted this collaboration to happen real bad. It was one of his big dreams to be on the same stage with Charlie Puth real bad, and now that he was given a one shot to make his dream to happen, they messed up. Or at least only the two did.

Jungkook wanted to be mad. He wanted to be angry at his two hyungs but he can't. He can't just blame them because not only will it affect the group but it wasn't also entirely their fault.

Jimin on the hand was feeling the most guilty, annoyed, and mad. Guilty for he did the worst tonight, annoyed because his girlfriend had to see him like that, and mad because as a perfectionist, he failed to do one job. He felt that not only he let his group and fans down, but he let down himself also.

"Jungkook... Are you okay?" Jimin said, looking up to the maknae.

Jungkook looked at him with a hint of annoyance. "Yeah... Why?" He asked coldy.

"N-Nothing." He said, feeling too guilty to even face the maknae.


Dahyun felt uneasy. She kept glancing at her right, anticipating for his boyfriend.

She knew that Jimin is probably feeling so down now. She hopes he's okay and didn't took their performance too harsh as she know he too will be harsh on himself.

Soon BTS came back from backstage. Everyone was dead silence, and she could feel the heavy atmosphere that they bring along with them.

Dahyun played it cool when they passed by, avoiding eye contacts to avoid unnecessary rumors. She still managed to give a quick glance at his boyfriend's face when she bowed her head for them.

Her heart felt a slight pang when he didn't even try to smile at her. He must've been really disappointed.

The event goes on, with BTS being deadly gloomy. Dahyun was only waiting for an opportunity to talk to Jimin backstage and it didn't took her long when she heard Jimin asking permission to his leader to use the restroom, backstage.

As soon as she heard Namjoon's approval, she waited a few seconds before asking permission to her leader as well. Jihyo immediately understood her emergency so she then let her be.

Dahyun followed Jimin backstage. Jimin just got out of the restroom exactly to find his girlfriend running towards him.

"Oppa! Are you---" He didn't even let her finished as he immediately hugged her before his tears threatened to fall.

Dahyun was startled but he let him be. She asked him to calm down for a bit and pulled him into an empty room so that they would avoid being seen in public.

She turned at him, and she couldn't help but feel bad for him as he kept sobbing silently beside her.

She pats his shoulder as she embrace him, continuously whispering words in his ears. "It's alright. You did a good job. You did your best."

The words didn't remove the pain that Jimin was feeling, but it did help to lessen it.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I failed you..." He sobs.

Dahyun rests her chin above his shoulder. "You didn't fail anybody... Everybody makes mistakes. It's okay."

"It's not... Jungkook's mad because of me... I'm embarrassed to even face you."

"Don't be. I love you, and that includes your flaws."

Jimin continued to cry on her shoulders. Thankful that she didn't left him like that even though he was eating a lot of her time.

When he calmed down, he told her to return immediately. Dahyun didn't wanted to leave him, but Jimin said she had too or they'll raise gain too much suspicious eyes if they returned together.

Jimin went back to their waiting room to have his makeup retouched. He was about to return when he saw Jungkook along the way.

He was expecting him to ignore him but he was surprised when Jungkook hugged him. "Sorry, I didn't meant to make you feel bad."

Jimin's eyes swelled up with tears again and hugged him back. "Mm, I'm sorry too."


𝐃𝐚𝐡𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon