[Chapter 5]London's calling

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Waking up in the morning to find your pillow soaked with tears is not fun, let me tell you. I'm finding all these memories to be less and less fun. Not only that, but I had woken up to find out that I slept through my alarm and Alek already left. And he didn't even make me breakfast, shame on him. 

So, here I am, groggily sipping my coffee at the kitchen island, just trying to wake up, when my phone rings as loud as freaking possible. I know who it is, I set that ring tone just for her. So, I go to press accept as I am barraged with the lyrics to Adele's rumor has it. 


"Hello, goodness, Columbia, you sound horrible." 

"Good morning to you too, Wendy, what did ya' need?"

"Do I need a reason to call my little sister?"

"I do recall that I specifically told you not to call me that."



I could hear her laugh on the other end, and I grumbled as I set down my warm coffee. 

"Wendy, do you need something?"

She stopped laughing at that, finally. 

"Actually, more like I need you to need something."

I raise my eyebrow even though she can't see me, and start to make my way up the stairs. I should at least get dressed for the day. 

"And what should I be needing?"

"A dress!"

I pause in front of my door. 

"... What?"

"You need a dress, seriously. I doubt you have gone willingly dress shopping since that ball I forced you too in 1968." 

I walk into my room, making my way to my closet. 

"I so have, absolutely."

"...You're looking now, aren't you?"

I silently curse myself, she must have heard the rustle of the cloths. Nonetheless I keep searching, pushing fabric out of the way, attempting to find something I know didn't exist. I rarely kept up with the times, much less if it required me in a dress. Dresses are fine to wear, even fun, but shopping for them is a nightmare. 

"Good thing we're here then."

That's not Wendy's voice. I stop it, about to ask who that was, when they hang up. I 'humph' a little, but am interrupted by the doorbell. And suddenly, it all makes since. 

"Oh no."

I whisper to myself as I hear-


I practicly jump down the stairs to wrench open the door. There stands my insanely put together family. Madelyn, Wendy, and even Renée. I gape at them. 

"What the-"


Renée pushes past me and saunters up my stairs, undoubtedly heading to my room. 

"Why did it take you so long, sis?"

Madelyn asks me as she too pushes past, probably heading to my kitchen. I can only close and open my moths as they leave my line of sight, mumbling out sounds that are skin to words as they do so. I turn to look at Wendy, a look of complete surprise on my face and a question I don't need to voice. She rolls her eyes as she ignores said question.

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