[Chapter 14] Fierce Lady

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(Okay, so, first things first, I used head cannons from "imagine-hetalia-countries" tumblr, because they are gosh dang awesome. And secondly, this is a part of a big special. This chapter, chapter 15, and chapel 16 are all part of Columbia's dream memory. So this is all real timeline for Columbia. That is all, read on loyal followers.) 

1717, some time in late spring, in a house in the english countryside.  

I sat there, absolutely dejected. This is miserable for me, all I do all day is sit there, stand here, and look 'pretty.' Why can't I do-

"Columbia, stop your internal monologuing right this second."

I look over at Wendy, and mock what she says a little under my breath before going back to aggressively embroidering a piece of cloth. Out of the corner of my eye, I see my twin, Maddie, roll her eyes. I stick my tongue out at her and-


I look back down at my needle, going silent. I sneak glances at Maddie, a smirk evident on my face. She glances up at me, every now and then, slowly but surely doing so more frequently. We make a small game of who can catch the other looking, and we continue this until-

"Alright! Just be gone with you two! And don't you dare get in trouble!"

Wendy yells exasperatedly, putting down her embroidery for a second to glare at us. Maddie and I giggle a bit, heading out as fast as we can. We go to run in the garden, with me telling her to hurry up, and her telling me it's too hard to run in heels. I smile, and laugh, and we spend our afternoon in the garden of the estate. 

As the sun sets, we watch it on a lone bench in the garden. 

"What's on your mind?"

I turn to look at my sister, before sighing, she must have seen my far away gaze. 

"I want to leave."

She gasps.


"I want to leave, Madelyn! It is so boring here! Just sitting still and doing nothing! I want to run, and jump, and hide, and- and do something! Just do something other than this!"

As I cool down for my outburst, it looks as of Maddie is thinking deeply, and I turn to look at her. I give her a pleading look, asking for the answers to my problems. She glances at me with a hesitant face, and exhales slowly, looking resolutely at the sunset. 

"Tonight then."

"Tonight what?"

She turns to me suddenly, and grasps my hands tightly in hers, and stares deeply into my eyes. 

"Tonight, tonight you will sneak out. You will grab a horse, and you will ride away as fast as humanly possible. I don't care where you go, or what you do, as long as you keep this promise."

I grip her hands back. 

"What promise?"

"To come back, just one day. I don't care if you stay away decades or days, as long as you come back sometime."

I smile, and lean my forehead against hers.

"I promise."

"Good, now go out there, and live for us."

1717, mid-summer, some dock along the North sea, 3rd POV.

Captain Beilschimidt ordered his men roughly, getting them to hurry up. 

"Guter Herr, wie geht es euch allen so langsam beim Laden des Schiffes, aber so schnell im Kampf?" (Good lord, how are you all so slow when loading the ship, but so fast in battle?)

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