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"Hey y/n you mind helping me with the front?" My boyfriend Sodapop asks walking into the garage to help Steve. "sure" I say smiling hopping off the chair I was sitting on. "Is this all for you?" I ask checking out the products "yes that's it" the girl says rolling her eyes.

  "Hey how's it going out here" Sodapop asks wiping his hands on a towel "Sodapop!" She says squealing. "I'm going to see a movie tonight would you like to come?" She asks blushing. "No, sorry but there's only one girl I want to watch a movie with and its y/n my girlfriend" he says wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. "Why would you want to date someone like her?" She says scrunching her nose up at me. "Listen if you don't got nothing nice to say to my girl then get out" he says pointing towards the door. "Yah, get out of here you ugly witch" Steve says wiping his nose getting grease on his face.

"I didn't even realize you were behind us Steve" Sodapop says "well I heard someone squeal and it got on my nerves so I came out to see who it was" he says putting his hands on his hips. "Well thanks for helping me out" Soda says patting Steve's shoulder.

"Hey y/n you okay? You've been really quite" Soda says looking over at me walking towards the Curtis house. I just keep my mouth shut rethinking what that girl said. Am I really that ugly? I think to myself, I never thought I was ugly but maybe I am, I think looking down at my feet.

"Hey Soda?" I ask still keeping my eyes at my feet. "Yah?" He says looking at me with a smile. "Do you think I'm ugly?"I choke out starting to tear up. "What? Of course not you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and not just your looks are gorgeous, but your personality is to. The most beautiful I've seen" he says pulling me into a tight hug. "Please don't cry baby" he says whispering into my ear stroking my hair.

I finally stop crying and I smile up at Sodapop. "I love you Sodapop Curtis" I say staring into his brown eyes. "I love you to y/n L/n" he says pressing his lips to mine.

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