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Six months

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Six months.

Yoongi will take his rightful place as a King in six months. He had prepared his whole life for it and he couldn't be more excited. He was born to be in that position and he wanted nothing more than to help his people, he wanted to make his realm the most prolific of them all. "What do you think?" Hoseok asked, turning Yoongi so he could see his reflection. His friend was the royal tailor and he was showing him what would be the garment for the coronation but right now it looked just like a tone of fabric pinned together "Wow, you look... like a mummy" Jimin said giggling "a royal one" Hoseok turned to Jimin and rolled his eyes "it's just to take measurements and to give Yoongi an idea of what the garment it's going to look like, you just have zero imagination Minnie" Jimin wasn't the only one that couldn't picture the garment but Yoongi cared too much about Hoseok to let him know that "It's going to be amazing, Hobi. And I couldn't think of someone better to do it, because I love your work and it would have a significant meaning just because you did it for me" Hoseok smiled and covered his mouth with his hand, his eyes got teary and Jimin was the one rolling his eyes this time "stop, hyung. You know I'm more than honored to be doing this for you" Jimin got up and urged Yoongi to get out of the fabrics "we have to go, Yoongi. Remember you have a meeting with your father in 15 minutes and he doesn't like when you're late" he said. Yoongi changed his clothes and thanked Hoseok, getting out the room with Jimin and closing the door behind them "you couldn't imagine the garment either, right" Yoongi smiled at his best friend "not idea what it'll look like" he replied and Jimin laughed.

They entered the great hall and Yoongi's father was there with his counselor waiting for him "you're late" he said with a angry expression "you'll be king in half a year, Yoongi, you should start to think and act like one" Yoongi and Jimin were doing a reverence and Jimin murmured a "told you" loud enough for only Yoongi to hear "I'm sorry, father. I was with the tailor, actually, he has started the fabrication of my garment for the coronation" the king smiled "I'm glad to hear that. Now, I have a very important topic to discuss with you" Yoongi nodded "I'm listening" he replied but his father turned to see Jimin "I would like to be a father and son conversation. Please, leave us alone" Jimin and the king's counselor bowed and walked away. Yoongi knew the conversation they were going to have and he was nervous about it "Yoongi, my beloved son. You know what I am about to tell you, right?" the son nodded "I do. And you know how I feel about it" the king looked down "I do".

They stayed in silence for a few minutes not daring to look at each other. "I hope you know I love you for who you are" the king said still looking down "but there's things that are out of my reach, and I can't change the way things are. You'll be a magnificent king, son. So much better than me" "never" Yoongi interrupted him and the king smiled "I really wish I could do something about it. But I can't" the kind continued. Yoongi felt his heart beating fast and gulped knowing what it meant "If you want to be king, you have to marry a princess" Yoongi looked down not wanting to talk because the tears that were in his eyes could fall out "It's the only option, if you truly want to be the King" his father said "I'm sorry". Yoongi took a deep breath and lifted his head looking at his father and faking a smile "I understand. Can I leave now?" his father sighed "Princess Jung Wheein is going to be here next week, I personally think she would be a perfect wife for you. She's smart and beautiful. And her father is a great and fair King that I really would want as an ally. Besides I really think he would be a magnificent father in law to you. All I'm asking is for you to try to get to know her better, that's all" Yoongi nodded, not saying anything else.

His father looked at him and his heart ached, he understood that it was not easy to get married to someone you don't want, he experienced that himself, but on the brighter side all that experience had given him Yoongi and that made it all worth it. His son was the best thing that ever happened to him and after his mother died they had become closer, to the point of Yoongi confessing his homosexuality, so he knew and he understood the way Yoongi must be feeling "You can go now, just remember that if I could do things differently I definitely would" Yoongi bowed and smiled weakly at him "I know" he said and with that he leave the room.

Jimin was waiting for him at the great hallway "hyung" he said walking towards him "are you ok?" he asked when he saw Yoongi walking faster than usual with his head down "I want to be alone" he replied, his voice weak and his tears about to go out.

Luckily Jimin knew better than that.

After a few minutes of Yoongi being in his room alone and crying on his bed there was a knock on his door "hyung, open the door please" Yoongi groaned and rolled on his bed "I want to be alone Jimin-ah" the younger rolled his eyes even when Yoongi couldn't see him "I said open the door" he repeated annoyed.

Yoongi got up and dragged himself to the door, he opened it and returned to the bed without looking at his friend "what do you want?" he said with his face buried in the pillow "I thought you might need this... but if you don't want cheesecake I can eat it alone" Yoongi got up immediately, his hair was messy and his face swollen. "cheesecake?" he asked and Jimin chuckled.

The younger sat next to him in the bed and gave him a fork "Talk to me while we eat, hyung" Yoongi took the fork and smiled. There was a reason why Jimin was his best friend, he always knew what to do to make Yoongi feel better. He took a bite of cheesecake and the flavor made him immediately feel so much better "what would I do without you Minnie?" Yoongi said, making Jimin smile "Being miserable alone" Yoongi nodded.

Life as a prince was lonely, even when there were so many people in the palace there were no many people who were worthy of trust and admiration, but thanks to Jimin, Yoongi had never felt alone.

Little did Yoongi knew how much Jimin's actions were going to impact his life in the next few months.


Hey guys! I'm so excited with this new story
Please let me know what you think about it
Take care and wear your masks
Much love,


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