Annabeth's Fangirling

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Frankie Tomhave has updated her status:

Caption: #groupie w/ the newbies!

(Imagine four girls making wacky faces)

Tagged Ally Eaton, Grace Simmons, and Isabella


Annabeth Chase: Eaton...... Siriusly, guys. You are all making me cray cray...

Tris Hook: Oh, really?

Annabeth Chase: T-tris-s......

Percy Jackson: Don't make my girlfriend go insane......

Sirena Lovewood: Don't worry... St. Mungo's isn't that bad.....

Annabeth Chase: St. Mungo's...... Lovewood sounds a lot like Lovegood.....

Piper McLean: Keep calm, Annabeth..... Don't worry.... No fangirling.....

Sara Laural Black: So I guess that this is a bad time to comment.....

Annabeth Chase: oH MY GODS JUST STOP

Hazel Grace: Stop what?

Leo Valdez: Oh well styx....

Hi guys sorry if this was VERY short but i'm currently watching The Voice of America and I really want Ryan Sill, Sugar Jones, or Taylor John Williams to be in the finals...... Oh well.....

Anyways, nobody really got the correct answer but i'll just keep waiting. I'm quite surprised that my cousin nor my friend from real life haven't commented yet....

Contest question: Where do I live? You already know I live in the Philippines, but I'm looking for a city.

Clue: :) D_v_ _

Hehe pretty obvious tho.....

B y e !

P.S. Guys please add my new book you can see it on my profile and please request for a book cover :D

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