Chapter 4

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Pawel's Pov ♤

Three months.  That's how long I've been working with my uncle for the shipping business.  Still the worst thing I've ever been forced to do.

The only lucky thing is my uncle taking pity on my fear.  He only makes me go on the boat once a month, the rest of the time I'm just helping with loading on the supplies and goods.  My uncle is trying to ease me into sailing, probably thinking that the seasickness and fear will go away with time. If that was true then I would've been over it by the time I was 6 from all the time my dad forced me on a boat.

I should've just taken an apprenticeship behind their backs like a normal guy my age.  But no, I had to be the good son! Fuck you my over reactive conscience!

A seagull squaked and brought me back to what I was doing.  I continued pushing the giant crate, that was up to my chest, down the dock towards the boat.  It's late in the afternoon and the sun is making me sweat buckets, and fatigue is starting to get the better of me.

Then, like a fool, I pushed the wooden crate again and my feet slipped out from under my feet.  I just lay there groaning. After waiting for a minute I still can't get the willpower power or energy to get back up. 

"Holy shit are you okay?"  

I didn't have to lift my head up to check who said it, I already knew.  A whimper is forced out of me from shame.  

How the hell could I let fucking Ajax see me like this?

"Ust eev mmm anone,"  I mumble. Not what I meant to say, but with luck he'll get the message.

"Can you repeat that?"  He asks confused.  

I shake my head, my nose is digging deeper into the wood but at the moment I don't really care.  There's not a chance in hell I could lift my head with my body feeling like it just fell off Jack's beanstalk with the giant.

"Well then I guess I better help you,"  he said to himself.  

Rare moments like these are when I wish people could read my mind.  Then I wouldn't have to talk to imbeciles and they would already know my disdain.  I might not have been forced into this job since my uncle would be able to see my fear.  He wouldn't be able to make any more excuses.

Ajax picked me up with a grant and flipped me so I am on my feet.  I clutch onto the crate and pant heavily since my legs feel like jelly.  Maybe I should have taken a break an hour or so ago, I've been working for roughly 5 hours straight.  All this time the only thing I've been doing is pushing the crates.  

I wasn't supposed to be alone, and normally I have another guy helping me, but since that guy's wife is giving birth I told him to go.  I told him I wouldn't tell my uncle he isn't here and I'll push the crates myself.

I couldn't afford to take a break, so now I'll just deal with the consequences.

"Grab onto my shoulder and I'll take you home,"  Ajax ordered me. I made no move to accept his help.

I'll admit we've grown a bit closer in the past 3 months, but not enough for me to call him a friend.  We are merely acquaintances that talk to each other only at work, and I don't really want to accept his help if it means Rafal is going to be punished for not showing up to work.

I need to finish the damn job.

"No you don't,"  he said sternly. Oh my god I said that out loud.

"I promised I would, so I will,"  I paused, wincing a little as I attempted to sit down and catch my breath.  "I just need a minute."

The wind picked up a bit and loose strands of hair were flying in Ajax's face.  He gave me a stern look but didn't try to offer his help anymore. Instead he moved from the spot I had been sitting, or as others would say leaning against the crate kneeling.  What he did next shocked me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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