With Him

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Hi so I know I'm changing a lot about Y/n, but I like it. I have great ideas for the book so far. If you stop reading because of that then that's your issue. But please don't. Also, Happy Birthday to Me and Bakugou!!!

The girls had created a 1-A group chat, besides Mineta. Since none of the girls feel comfortable around him. I myself hasn't had to deal much one on one with him, but I have only been at U-A for less than a day so...

Mini Avengers~

I had my nicknames for the class.

But eventually I got a very unusual text. It was from Bakugou. Then I saw what he named me, Wolfie. I was embarrassed...Wolfie...? I like it but. It's way too...Umm, Actually I have no complaints.

Anyway, he was asking me what I knew...About the ears. I asked If I could call him and he agreed.

Boom-Boom Boy: Ok Wolfie, what's going on?

Wolfie: Bakugou, It's a lot do you have around an hour to spare?

Boom-Boom Boy: An hour...? Yeah I do.

Wolfie: Well, I went to see my Mom. It was before school started. I didn't want everyone to see me with the Ears and tail. So I left, with Shouto. My Mother had told me everything about what had happened. I was kidnapped right after I got my quirk, A guy with a werewolf quirk bit me. He was dying and the last of his kin, so he gave his quirk to me. 

Boom-Boom Boy: Wow. Wolfie that's intense to hear.

Wolfie: That isn't the least of it Bakugou. Apparently the guy explained what the quirk did, well how it activated. I had a one-on-one with my mate, which is a wolf's soulmate. Besides Shouto you are the only guy I had a one-on-one with. So your my mate... Oh and there's more, My body has been changing to be compatible with the quirk. Like my teeth and my hair, plus my actual body. I don't look like me anymore... 

I started sniffling I was holding back tears.

Boom-Boom Boy: Wolfie, you are still you. And that soulmate shit. I thought something felt different from you from all those extras. If you want to continue talking to me then you can.

Wolfie: I will. Bakugou, I feel like I can trust you despite your explosive~ personality. Not only my body, but my hair has changed, from red and white, to black and red. 

Boom-Boom Boy: This is odd but Todoroki do you want to go on a date with me?

Wolfie: Y/n. And yes. I want to Bakugou.

Boom-Boom Boy: Call me Katsuki. If we're going by first names, but I'm still calling you Wolfie.

Wolfie: Ok, Katsuki. Pick me up at 4:30. I'll text you my address. See you then Katsu~.


I hung up. Hah! M-My soulmate is the most hot-headed guy in 1-A. But I like him, in his own way.

I looked at the clock and realized I had only two hours to get ready, so I had to call some of the girls to help me get ready. Of course I wouldn't tell them who it was with.


Soon after the girls had arrived. I was worried what they would have said, but...

"OMG! Y/n you look so adorable!!!" All the girls yelled that in sync. I blushed. "Ok girls. I called you over here to get me ready for a date. And no matter what you say, I won't tell you where or with who." "Aww. You're no fun Y/n" I whined. And they awed again. I just gave them puppy dog eyes. They awed again and then began their work. Momo made me an outfit an the girls started on the makeup. 30 minutes later the girls had given me the best outfit ever!  I thanked them and then they left. I had 1 hour left, so I went to go tell Shouto.


I knocked on his door and said, "Sho I'm going out with someone, I'll be back later." "It's Bakugou isn't it?" "Pffft... Noooo..... Yeah..." "Ok, well I want you to be careful, even if he is your mate." I whined. Dammit know since I am a wolf he has more stuff to tease me with.

"Whatever Sho, just know I'll end up with him, the wolf Goddess says so..."

Shouto Todoroki's Twin x Bakugou KatsukiWhere stories live. Discover now