Chapter Three

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   Summer, at last.

   It was finally summer after my last year of required school. The talk of the Games seemed to be everywhere. Who was most likely going to win from each district, what the arena will be like, and so on. Everyone was dreading the day because they had to give up their kids to go and kill each other in an enclosed space.

   Sounds terrific.

   All the twelve year olds were very scared to compete against the big, muscly boys and girls from Districts 1 and 2. Everyone, for that matter, was scared to compete. They all knew that District 12 had no chance  of winning against any of the other Districts. The Careers were the ones to be afraid of, if anyone. They train their whole life just to go and win the Games. The tributes aren't technically supposed to train before the Games, but the Capitol let's it slide. Only because they produce the good stuff like luxury items, which the Capitol people love. 

   Soon, the dreaded day arrived.

   Everyone dressed in their finest clothes to get ready for the Reaping. The families trudged along as their kids dragged behind them.  Me and my family were getting ready. Me and my two older brothers were dressed in simple button down shirts with slacks. My oldest brother was too old for the Games, but he came anyway. It was a mandatory event that everyone had to come to. We set out from the bakery, which was also our house, and headed for the square. 

   When we got there, all of the age groups were roped off. The oldest in the front, the youngest in the back. I was near the middle because I was sixteen. Across the aisle were the sixteen year old girls. I searched for Katniss, without making it obvious, but I couldn't find her. She was probably late, I thought. Soon, Mayor Undersee stepped up to the mic. He greeted everyone and thanked us for coming, even though we didn't have a choice. They played the video about how the Districts rebelled and how the Dark Days happened and the Hunger Games were the product of it all. He introduced Effie Trinket, the District 12 representative from the Capitol. She didn't like representing District 12 because, to the Capitol people, it was one of the lamer districts. 

   "Like always, ladies first!" called out Effie in her high pitched tone.

   I crossed my fingers and hoped that Katniss wasn't picked. Effie gently stuck her hand in the bowl and dramatically snatched one up and brought it over to the mic.

   "Primrose Everdeen!"

   Oh no, I thought. That's Katniss's sister! If I could volunteer for her I would in an instant. Prim means the world to Katniss. She would rather watch a random guy die on national television then her sister any day.

   "Prim! Prim!" Katniss ran out from her group and rushed towards Prim. Two Peacekeepers caught hold of her and was struggling to keep her back.

   "I volunteer!" The Peacekeepers let go of Katniss. "I volunteer as tribute."

   My heart dropped. Now I had to watch my lifelong crush die on TV. This day couldn't get any worse.

   But it did.

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