(8) Promise from the Future {Inigo}

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Promise from the Future

"We can't waste tume worrying about the what if's."

[One-Shot] Inigo x Reader [Fire Emblem: Awakening]


Quick Note(s):
•Spoilers if you don't know the plot of FE: Awakening.
•My writing style here is different from what I usually do. Because I actually did this long ago, before I started using a 3rd Person point of view.
•Inigo may be OOC. So sorry.


"Inigo! Inigo~!" I called out while looking around. Inigo wasn't in his tent, nor during dinner time. So I thought that he might've wandered off somewhere else. We're currently camping next to a conveniently-placed forest. I sighed as I move my left to make sure my sword is clipped on my left side. When I was sure it was there, I entered the forest.

It was currently night time, everyone has gone to sleep except for me, Inigo (presumably) and night watch. Inigo and I have been friends since we were kids, we both came from the future. A future, where there is no future. A destructive future, none of our parents survived in the war against Grima, the Fallen Dragon. I am the daughter of Lissa and Frederick, sister to Owain. Inigo was the son of Olivia and Henry.

"Inigo! Are you here?" I called out for him, then I heard rustling sound. "Hey [Y/N]! Over here!" I look over to see Inigo coming out behind a tree. The feeling of relief came coursing through my veins as I sigh in relief. I was glad he was safe, and not kidnap.

"You scared me! I thought you were kidnap or—" I was cut off by Inigo placing his hand over my mouth. I glared at him, he merely ignored my glare as he smiled sweetly at me. "Follow me." Inigo whispered in my ear, he let go of my mouth and grab my arm. He started pulling me to a direction I am unfamiliar with, and I'm pretty sure it's away from the camp.

"Where're we—?" "Just follow me, okay? I promise it'll be good." Inigo promised as he continued dragging me to who-knows-where. I sighed as I let Inigo drag me to his destination.

After a while of walking, we arrived at a clearing with fields of colorful flowers. It was a breathtaking sight to behold— the moon was a full moon and it shone brighter than any other night. The stars were twinkling as the wind carried some flowers. Inigo looks at me while smiling, "I knew she'll like it! Boo-yah!" Inigo cheered mentally while giving himself a pat on the back.

As he lets go of my arm, he stretch out his hand towards me. He was already under the moon as his face was slightly shadowed, but you can clearly see the twinkling in his eyes. "Shall we dance, mi'lady?"

"But Inigo.. there's no—"
"We don't need music, my dear." Inigo cuts me off as he grabs my stiffened hand and pulled me straight into his chest. My cheeks flushed as I felt his warm radiated from his body into mine. "Inigo, you know I don't dance." I argued as he just merrily laughed.

"I know."
"Then why will you—?!"
"I wanted to teach you. C'mon now! It'll be fun." Inigo said in a cute-manner as I sighed. There's no way I can reject something like that, not when Inigo used his cute, baby voice. "Fine." I reluctantly agreed. His face brightened by my words as he grasp my right hand and puts his other hand around my waist. Our faces were so close that I can feel his breaths. My cheeks flushed more. He noticed this and chuckled.

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