Me and Kitty just finshed school for the day and decided to tell friends about us begin Girlfriend and Boyfriend.
Of course Ochako was excited and happy because she shipped us and Izuku smiled and said that we are perfect for each other and Iida he just congratulate us but I can see a little smile was on his face.
Then some how, I have no idea how the rest of the class found out and its making me think someone was spying on us.
But while we walked we decided to get ice cream and go to the park to eat the ice cream I got cookies & cream and he got regular chocolate.
We sat down and continued to eat our ice cream and talk. Kitty scared me when he cleaned my mouth with a napkin.
Then out of no where. The Wing Hero: Hawks comes walking. He's my favorite hero I wanted to ask him for a autograph but i was so nervous.
Kitty noticed and walked to him. I was freaking out about my boyfriend going to talk to my favorite hero.
I heard him ask him.
"Um hey you're my girlfriend's favorite hero and she is to nervous to ask you for a autograph can i get a autograph for her," asked Kitty.
"Sure, but I have a better idea," answered Hawks.
He came to me and said.
"Do you want a picture with me," asked Hawks.
"Sure," I stuttered.
I was about to take out my phone and then I noticed that Kitty already got it.
"Ok say cheese in 1-2-3," said Shinsou.
"Cheese," Me and Hawks said.
I got the photo and he also gave me his autograph then left.
Kitty looked at me and said.
"You're welcome," said Shinsou.
"Thanks Kitty," I said while kissing his cheek.
"See just because people see your quirk as a villain quirk doesn't mean that your personality is a villain too," I said.
When Kitty heard those words he put his hand on my cheek and gave me a kiss and once again i kissed back and when he pulled away he said.
"This is why I love you Cherri Hana or should I say Kitten," Said Kitty.
I laughed.
"I love you too Shinsou Hitoshi or Kitty," I responded back.
We finished our ice cream and headed to my house and of course it became kinda tradition for Kitty to kiss me goodbye he has done that ever since our first date.
We kissed and said goodbye.
I entered my house said hello to my mom and went to my room and grabbed a photo frame and hanged the picture of me and hawks but i decided to place it in a box instead so I decided to put up a shelf and place the teddy bear Kitty won for me on our 1st date.
I'm planning on putting more stuff later on our relationship.
After a while I decided to text Ochako mostly because we always text about our day after school to each other.
Me: Hey Ochako. Guess what happened today.
Ochako: What happened?
Me: I met. The Wing Hero: Hawks
Ochako: Wait what no way.
Me: Yeah I was nervous to ask him for a autograph so Hitoshi asked him for me.
Ochako: Wow you have the best boyfriend.
Me: Yeah he is. When are you and Midoriya going to get together.
Ochako: What Deku is just a friend.
Me: Yeah right I've seen the way you guys look at each other and how you guys get nervous around each other.
Ochako: Its not like that at all
Me: Whatever you say
Ochako: You know what I'm going to bed
Me: Yeah me too its getting late, Goodnight
Ochako: Goodnight
I went to bed with Kitty in my mind again.
I know its still early but I feel like he's the one for me.

Cherri Hana [A Future Pro Hero Story]
Fanfiction(Cherri Hana is my OC) Cherri Hana wanted to become a hero because of some events in her life. But something happens and has to put her dreams on hold. She meets someone along the way. READ TO FIND OUT WHATS GOING ON AND WHO THAT SOMEONE IS! Cover a...