MTL likely to date a foreigner

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Least -

Jisoo -

I feel like Jisoo would be most likely because even though I'm pretty sure she only speaks Japanese and Korean fluently, I think she would love to learn about your culture and language a little more so than the others.

Rosé -

Chae is a foreigner herself to Korea so she would understand your struggle and definitely help you out if you struggled with Korean. I also just see her as one of the most open members.

Lisa -

I mean she practically speaks every language anyway so she would probably have no trouble communicating with you even if you didn't speak Korean or Thai. The only reason I put her lower on the spectrum is because I just see her dating an Asian more than a non-Asian.

Jennie -

I feel like Jennie would have no problem dating a foreigner but they would definitely have to know Korean first. She wouldn't mind someone who struggled occasionally with the language but they would at least need a basic understanding of the language.

A/N I can't believe I'm posting like once a month. I also can't believe that we've got 2k reads!!! I don't think I even said thanks for 1k reads because I was too busy being MIA. Anyways, hope you enjoyed and, like always, requests open. 

P.S. sorry for no gifs but I really wanted to get this out so maybe I'll come back later and put in gifs.

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