Taking A Break

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Hey, so um, I know I've never been very good with updates but I think that --starting now-- I'm going to pause all updates I had planned because I haven't been on Wattpad much and I've also been super stressed recently with exams soooo yeah.

I'm pretty active on twitter even though I'm not sure if I'll stay active but my @ is biaswrektdaily (I'm not good at usernames) and I'm thinking about starting to post au/drabbles on there once I get my writing motivation back.

I love you guys and thank you so much for reading this, I'm not going to end this book because I'm not sure if I'll want to continue on later (which I probably will) but it will be a while before I return.

Some BLACKPINK memes (not mine) -

Some BLACKPINK memes (not mine) -

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