When they are on the same show as you

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Blackpink when their crush is on the same variety show.

Jisoo -

Jisoo would try to be as funny as possible

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Jisoo would try to be as funny as possible. Constantly making jokes and funny faces. She thinks that if you show her how cute she can be, then maybe she'll be able to get your number. If you approached her afterwards asking to hang out, she would be a little shy and try to stay around you until you left. 

"Yeah I would...I would love to hang out hehe"

Jennie -

If you thought Jennie's aegyo was cute before, wait until she's trying to impress you

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If you thought Jennie's aegyo was cute before, wait until she's trying to impress you. She would become the cutest little baby and every time she did any aegyo, she looked over to you to see if you thought it was cute. If you ended up giving her your number she would be so excited that she convinced you to go out to lunch right after filming was done.

"I'll be sure to text you as soon as I leave! Unless you wanna leave together and get some McDonald's?

Chaeyoung -

Rosie decided to branch out of her comfort zone a bit and instead of trying to impress you or make you laugh, she tried to act sensual and sexy to seduce you

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Rosie decided to branch out of her comfort zone a bit and instead of trying to impress you or make you laugh, she tried to act sensual and sexy to seduce you. It was very hard for her because she kept laughing every time she tried to wink. If you ended up giving her your number she would be very surprised since she thought she just embarrassed herself. 

"Wow, that worked? Oh um so when do you want to meet again?"

(I know the gif isn't sexy but it's the only gif of Rosé on a variety show that I could find that wasn't too big)

Lalisa -

Lisa was determined to get a compliment from you

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Lisa was determined to get a compliment from you. She showed all of her talents and did a bunch of dances. When you were asked to list your ideal type, Lisa started trying to act like that. When the variety show was over and you walked over to see if Blackpink wanted to go have lunch with your group, Lisa acted very cool and asked for your number so smoothly. But as you walked away you heard Lisa say to Rosé, "See, I told you my plan would work"

"Lunch? That sounds fun, I'll rally the girls to head over to Burger King in an hour?"

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