When you get injured

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When you (an idol and their girlfriend) get injured on stage while they're backstage preparing for their performance.

Jisoo -

Jisoo would be watching your performance while the others were getting ready

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Jisoo would be watching your performance while the others were getting ready. Once she saw you hit the ground, she would already be on her way to you. Jisoo would be surrounding the staff that was helping you and she would constantly ask if you were ok. Once they told you that you had a dislocated knee, Jisoo decided that she wouldn't leave you alone until you were okay.

Jennie -

Jennie would be the most professional and wait for you to be escorted backstage before she went to see if you were ok

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Jennie would be the most professional and wait for you to be escorted backstage before she went to see if you were ok. But she would also be the most frantic. The girls would definitely have to calm her down because she was pacing and sweating. It was sweet that she was worried about you, but when it turned out that it was just a sprain, the girls and you made fun of her for overreacting. You would still thank her for worrying though.

Chaeyoung -

She's very concerned

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She's very concerned. The girls managed to convince her to wait until you're backstage so she didn't loom over the medics. That didn't help though because she would be forced out of the treatment room because she was constantly looking over their shoulders and asking them what they were doing now. You ended up having a broken wrist and to make you feel better, Chae took you to a restaurant. And she ended up feeding you when she realized that you couldn't hold chopsticks.

Lalisa -

Lisa was watching you perform and when you started falling, her heart dropped

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Lisa was watching you perform and when you started falling, her heart dropped. She would start yelling at all the staff to go help you. She knew that she couldn't go out herself because your relationship wasn't public yet. So she got ice, a pillow, and anything you could need no matter what your injury was. When she found out that it was a sprained ankle, she forbid you to walk anywhere without her help and never left you alone until she knew that you were fully healed. 

A/N How do you guys like the new cover?  

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