When you cook together

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Jisoo -

Jisoo wouldn't help

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Jisoo wouldn't help. Like at all. Don't get me wrong, she can cook. She just would rather play.

Jennie -

Jennie would try her best to make the perfect meal but she would get bored along the way

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Jennie would try her best to make the perfect meal but she would get bored along the way. Like Jisoo she would probably rather do something more fun with you.

Rosé -

Rosé would be less into cooking and more into eating the food that you cook

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Rosé would be less into cooking and more into eating the food that you cook. You know how when you're a kid your parents let you taste test everything, that's you with Rosé.

Lisa -

Lisa would be so enthusiastic with her cooking that it would probably scare you

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Lisa would be so enthusiastic with her cooking that it would probably scare you. The kitchen might be a mess but for Lisa, that's a good day.

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