Chapter 42

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Yuri woke up with Jessica's scent still engulfing her senses. It took her a minute to force herself to part from Jessica and pull her arm out from inside the blanket. She turned to the side and grabbed her phone, checking the time.

It was time to get up for work but Yuri absolutely didn't want to. Now that she had gotten Jessica back, it was even harder to part from the girl even just for a few hours. But in the midst of wavering whether or not to stay home for the day, Yuri received a text message from Jiyoung, reminding her about the important meeting with the board that afternoon. Yuri sighed and put her phone aside, turning back to Jessica.

The blonde girl had shifted on the bed when Yuri wasn't paying attention, her face now right in front of Yuri. A smile couldn't be stopped from spreading on Yuri's lips as she looked at the peacefully sleeping face, remembering the many times she had watched Jessica sleep before. Her heart fluttered a little as Jessica's nose crinkled slightly, and Yuri couldn't help but to lean in and give Jessica's soft cheek a small kiss.

"You thief," Jessica mumbled quietly with her eyes still closed, surprising Yuri. "How many kisses are you going to steal from me when I'm asleep, huh?"

Yuri chuckled and propped an elbow against the pillow to support her head, her eyes not leaving Jessica.

"It's not my fault you look so kissable."

Jessica slowly opened her sleepy eyes and met Yuri's face hovering above hers. She stretched out an arm to encircle Yuri's neck and smiled.

"Then at least do it right," Jessica said and pulled Yuri down for a decent good morning kiss.

Just when the kiss was about to get deeper, Yuri's apartment bell rang. The two girls looked at each other, wondering who could be paying a visit at such an early hour.

"You just stay here. Let me check," Yuri grumpily said and jumped out of bed. She made her way to the door and opened it, only to be surprised by the presence of another girl she least expected to see right there, right then.


"Yoona!" Yuri hissed in a whisper. "What are you doing here?"

"Unnie! Is this how you welcome me?"

"Jessica is here, stupid! When did you arrive in Korea? Why didn't you tell me?"

The girl named Yoona crossed her arms and pouted.

"I wanted to surprise you. You didn't say your girlfriend was staying with you."

Yuri threw a glance towards the bedroom before turning back to Yoona.

"Look, I'm kinda in the middle of something. How about we meet tomorrow for dinner?"

"Okay." Yoona grinned. "But you have to promise me you will introduce me to her."

"Of course," Yuri said in annoyance and waved her hand, gesturing Yoona to leave. "See you soon."

The younger girl stepped back but didn't forget to put her hand in front of her mouth, letting out a mocking giggle to tease her unnie. Yuri just frowned and waited for Yoona to turn around before closing the door. She gulped and returned to the bedroom, silently hoping the mood wasn't ruined yet.

"Who was it?" Jessica was still lying on the bed, her eyes studying Yuri's expression.

"Hmm…" Yuri scratched her head as she sat down on the bed. "It was no one."

Jessica sat up, her expression darkened.

"I heard a female voice. And you shushed her down." The blonde crossed her arms and turned around to face the other way. "Are you always going to be like this?"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 06, 2012 ⏰

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