Chapter 29

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Yuri almost collapsed to the ground but managed to pull herself together. She had made it to the hotel after all; she could make it to her bed, too. With that thought, she fished the key card Tiffany gave her this morning from her purse and opened the glass door, letting herself in. The hotel lobby was dark and Yuri was dead tired, but she still had no problem finding the way to her room at all. She miraculously didn't bump into anything until she reached the door to her room.

Gathering her energy together, Yuri entered and went straight to the bed, plopping her worn out body into little heaven. She lied on her stomach, face snuggling against the soft bed sheets, her body slowly relaxing. She knew she hadn't changed her clothes, and she was aware that they were most likely dirty and stinky right now, but she was too tired to be bothered. Heaving a content sigh, Yuri slowly dropped off.

When she thought nothing could wake her up anymore, a weight appeared out of nowhere and landed on her back. Yuri uncomfortably shifted, intending to shake the strange object off, but it didn't move. Being tired and only semi-conscious anyway, she told herself to let it pass when some weird noises caused her eyes to snap open.

Those sounds definitely came from a human being. It was like a sound of someone scrunching their nose.

Yuri braced herself up. The strange object, which turned out to be an arm, slid off her back. In the dim light coming from outside, she recognized the outline of a body under the blanket. Yuri's mouth dropped as she registered the light hair color. She reached out for the night lamp to confirm this mysterious someone's identity. The switch was hit, the room was lightened up, and Jessica was confirmed lying in her bed.

"What the…" Yuri murmured in complete bafflement. But as soon as the surprising effect was over, she ruffled her hair in frustration. This was the last thing she wanted to happen at the moment. She was just too tired. Why couldn't things like this happen at times she was all fresh and awake? Why did it have to occur when she's almost dead like now?

Letting out a sigh, she sat with her back against the bedpost, staring at the wall across the room. She realized how her eyes were getting heavier second by second. What was she supposed to do now? It's not something that would happen every night, having Jessica sharing a bed with her like this. But…

Yuri squinted her eyes shortly and glanced at the sleeping girl next to her. It wasn't until then that she noticed the sleep mask on Jessica's eyes. She bent down, taking a closer look. KISS ME, it read, with the imprint of a pair of red lips replacing the dot on the 'i.'

"What the—" she narrowed her eyes and scooted even nearer, making sure she wasn't imagining things. "Seriously?"

Her brain automatically put all the pieces together within a second. And suddenly, it all made sense. Yuri swore Jessica's lips were puckering a little.

She slapped herself a few times on the cheeks before quickly lying down.

No, she told herself. This is too good to be true. Turning Jessica her back, Yuri clutched the blanket tightly. She closed her eyes, and her tired legs began to fall asleep against her will. But her ears couldn't ignore the slow, rhythmic breaths behind her. Her nose couldn't ignore the faint familiar scent, her brain couldn't ignore the clues that seemed to be so obvious.


Yuri pushed the blanket away and turned around. That's enough. No more mental struggle. She should have known she had no chance fighting it from the beginning.

She carefully removed the blindfold from Jessica's eyes, placing it next to the pillow. Stroking Jessica's cheek gently, her finger stopped at the girl's chin and she stared at the sleeping face for how long she didn't know. There was this peaceful feeling in her heart, just watching the blonde sleeping soundly with eyes closed, nostrils moving lightly after every breath-in and breath-out. Yuri's eyes longingly moved over every inch of Jessica's face, eventually stopping at the pair of pink lips. After a brief hesitation, she placed a hand next to Jessica's head and leaned down, gently pressing her lips against the blonde's. The soft lips of Jessica's lied still under the pressure of her own, but Yuri was still overwhelmed. It was sensational. The taste, the feeling, it was all the same. For a moment, with her closed eyes, she wished they could close their eyes to everything else in the world like this, just to feel and see only each other. For a moment, she believed it could happen. For a moment, she believed it was happening.

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