Chapter Twelve

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The day had been seemingly endless and Aerly just wanted to rest. Her head engulfed in pillows while her body was wrapped up like a cocoon amongst her blankets. Aerly didn't seem like a girl who would enjoy such things, her fighting, snarling and hot-headed ways she didn't seem like the girl who at the end of the day like to snuggle up in her cozy bed but looks could be deceiving. It had become late into the night with the moon high in the star covered blanket sky longing for her skin to expel its warm golden coat and howl until even later into the evening but that longing would just have to be dismissed for now. A day of the Lycan's, a fight, her mate appearing once again and everyone finding out they are mates really took it out of her but before she could finally embrace the warmth of her bed a knock sounded on the front door.

"This better be important?" She growled out "it's late, I'm tired" Aerly grumbled as she stomped her way to the door then yanking it open.

"Sorry, it's late. I will make it quick" to Aerly's surprise her little brother stood on her doorstep.

"Eli, is everything alright?" Her voice was quick to turn to concern.

"No everything is fine. Father didn't send me I came here to talk" the words were strange on there own though they were siblings it was rare they actually had a talk especially some sort of heart to heart.

"Alright, brother come in" she stepped aside letting her enter her small home. Her tall lanky brother having to duck under the entrance doorway. When Aerly built the house she did so to accommodate herself not really thinking about anyone else.

"So... I know we aren't ones to share our feelings. You and father helped shape me to be a warrior which I will always be grateful for, however," Eli cleared his throat as he stood awkwardly in her sitting-room his feet stepping from one to the other on her plush rug "I am still your brother why didn't you tell me you had a mate, do you know how special that is, Aerly? A single soul separate in two beings destined to find one another—"

"How do you know all these things?" Aerly interrupted closing the front door as she questioned her brother he had never been much of a romantic.

"I've done my reading. Aerly..." he sighed as though the words were a struggle " I know you love it here and wanted to take over after Father stepped down and I am sorry if it hurt you that he passed the title to me but it's clear, sister. Your fate is much bigger than this, you're destined for more, to take over your mother's families pack, to stand with a powerful Lycan."

"I am not standing with him, Eli. I am twenty-two and need to find my place first and if it isn't here then I need to find my mothers pack" Aerly explained as she stepped closer her silver eyes holding a confusion that was so unfamiliar to the usually cocky self-assured wolf.

"Perhaps you're meant to succeed together--" he began but Aerly was quick to dismiss with a shake of her head.

"No, Raiden and I are on different paths. He's trying to prove himself on his own. I can't help him find himself and he can't help me we need to do these things along and maybe one day we find--"

"each other?" it was Eli's turn to cut her off this time a smirk curled on his lips at his sister subconscious spilling out in her rant.

"Is that why you came? To tell me to accept Raiden? I'm not denying him, Eli I do wish this didn't happen, yes but I'm not completely dismissing fates plan" Aerly attempted to explain but her emotions tended to have her jumbled when it came to Raiden.

"Good because if you deny him, Aerly it means you would have to challenge him" Eli explained.

"Challenge him?" the words indeed caught her off guard.

"As in fight. You would have to fight to the death. The only way to break it is if one of you are dead unless you embrace the bond then if one of you dies the other dies too. Apparently, there are a lot of things to either decision" Eli slumped down onto her armchair his long fingers tapping aimlessly on the armrest.

"And what happens? In both cases what happens?" Aerly sat also but sitting down on her small two-seater lounge.

"If you challenge him and just say you won. You would never be the same wolf you once were you would be half of a whole, slightly darker but you wouldn't be bound and would have to ability to move on and if you embrace it you're bound for life it creates a link between you. Feeling what each other feels, even being able to speak to one another within your mind. Overall you two become one. How do you not know any of this?" Eli looked genuinely perplexed.

"I had other things to do besides reading sappy stories of mates, Eli" Aerly scoffed at her little brother.

"Well clearly that was a mistake on your end" he chuckled which caused him to receive a glare from Aerly but their conversation halted when another knock at the door caught them both by surprise "expecting someone?" Eli questioned.

"When I'm ready to fall onto my bed and happily be swallowed by my blankets" Aerly scoffed "hardly" with an annoyed groan she pulled herself from her seat and marched over to the door. Another visitor late at night wasn't at all what she was expecting or wanted for that matter it certainly didn't help that night was when Aerly became her worst in temperament "what?" she growled out once she opened the door.

"That's quite a greeting" Niko chuckled as he let his body lazily flop against the door frame.

"What do you want?" Aerly kept her irritated tone not even bothering over his teasing.

"Well I'm going to go. I will see you both tomorrow" Eli said suddenly clearly wanting to dismiss himself from the uncomfortable interaction as he hurried from the house.

Aerly gave a half-hearted wave to her brother before her gaze returned to the annoying Beta that stood before her "I will repeat what do you want Niko?"

"We need to talk," he said inviting himself into her home. It seemed Aerly had a long night on her hands.

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