The Secret

196 6 2

July 6th 10:07am

Sonic was rolled up in his blanket and looking through some old pictures of him and his friends. Most of them were just of him and Tails working on numerous projects of his. The hedgehog chuckled as he came across a picture where both of them were covered in oil. "Chaos..I remember that. Took us ages to get that smell off," he commented. He turned the page to see him and Amy taking care of some chao. "Oh yeah...that was a pretty chill day,"He smiled.

Sonic turned the page again. He saw a picture of him and Knuckles just chilling around. Sonic seemed eager to take the picture while Knuckles held his mitt over his face. "Aw...heh.." He flushed slightly. After a moment he closed the book and stood up. At this point he wasn't going to deny it anymore, it's extremely obvious. The only problem was that his little crush was with his former crush.

Sonic stretched as he walked towards the kitchen. He pulled out a piece of cake from his party and sat down on the couch. He watched tv while he ate his cake. He breathed slowly as the doorbell could be heard. Sonic looked at the door curiously. "Who uses the doorbell...?"he joked, being so used to people knocking. Sonic then stood up and answered the door.

He went quiet. It was Rouge. She was dressed in a magenta trenchcoat and smudged makeup. Her expression was unreadable, almost guilty-like. She gave him a forced smile,"Hey blue..." Sonic scratched his head and waved, "Er..Hey?"

"May I come inside?"

"Sure?" Sonic stepped aside to let her in before closing the door. Rouge sat down at the table before motioning for Sonic to join her. He sat down in front of her as she clasped her hands. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Erm..." She visibly hesitated before scratching her head. "It's ah..."She gave him a weird expression, "Well. I need you to do me a favor, please."


"Could I stay here for a while? I...really messed up and..." Her voice trailed off. Sonic put a hand on her shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile. "Of course! Stay as long as you'd like!" He said, though curious about what happened...but Rouge didn't seem open to the conversation. She threw her hands around Sonic's neck and hugged him. "Oh, thank you!" She smiled. Sonic patted her back, comforting her, "Of course! Anything for a friend!"


After a few hours, Rouge was settled on the couch as Sonic was cooking some food for the both of them. Well, cooking as in, warming up some instant noodles. He then brought Rouge her share and sat down beside her. They were both watching a movie or something like that. 'Huh..A while back, I would've killed for something like this...' He thought to himself.

'It's funny because now I almost can't feel anything..' Rouge turned towards him with a curious look. He turned away sheepishly and his cheeks tinted pink. 'Almost...'

There was a hard knock on the door, a knock Sonic recognized. Knuckles. His ears were pinned to his head, feeling a little guilty and embarrassed about what happened last time they saw each other. Rouge seemed to do the same, for some reason. She grabbed Sonic by his shoulders and gave him a stern look. "Don't tell him I'm here," She pleaded. Sonic hesitated but then nodded as she hid in the closet. Sonic opened the door to reveal the echidna, who looked fairly stressed.


Sonic swallowed, "Yo," he leaned against the doorframe. "What's up?"

"Have you seen Rouge? We...need to talk."

Sonic gritted his teeth. He didn't want to lie or anything...but... "Nope, I haven't seen her!" He faked a smile, "Why don't you check with Shadow or"He paused as Knuckles sniffed around him. The echidna moved closer to sniff Sonic's neck, causing him let out a small whimper as he blushed immensely. He completely froze as Knuckles moved towards his left shoulder. "Sonic," he backed up, leaving Sonic a disheveled mess.


"Tell me the truth. Have you seen Rouge?"

"Mmm no...I-"

"Sonic!" Knuckles exclaimed, clearly stressed. Sonic faltered and held his head down, "Okay! Okay...I...have..." Knuckles pushed passed him and looked around, smelling the air a little. "She's still here. Where is she?"

Sonic fiddled with his fingers, "Uh...she's...." Knuckles gave him a serious but somber look, "You know what? Forget it. Just tell her I hope for the best." The hedgehog scratched his head as the echidna left. A few minutes passed before Rouge emerged from the closet. "He's gone.. ?"

"Yeah...uh...what's going on?" He asked. Rouge gave him a frustrated look and looked down at the floor. "It's...complicated," she stated. Sonic sat down in a nearby chair. "We have all day, also, he said he hopes for the best...or something," he rambled. Rouge's eyes went wide before she pouted slightly, "I should've seen that coming..."

"What do you mean?"

Rouge leaned against a wall. "Last night, I was out and...I met up with this grey wolf. And...ah...." Her voice trailed off as she struggled to form her sentences. Sonic hesitated and shook his head, "Hey, just forget it, It's fine."

"No no... I should get it out of my system," she admitted, "Basically, I...cheated. Okay?" Sonic raised a brow, "Oh..?" The bat continued, "I...had been cheating for a while. And...Knuckles saw us...Agh... There's nothing I can say to excuse my actions...I know I really hurt him..but..." She looked towards the door and sighed, "I'm just to be tied down, y'know?"

Sonic went silent, not really knowing how to feel. He was friends with both of them, and he didn't have a problem with Rouge's preference, he just wished that Knuckles didn't have to get hurt in the process... And due to the context, Knuckles probably thought something was going on between them. He slowly rose out of his seat and walked towards the door.

"Erm... You can stay as long as you want...okay?" Sonic looked back at her with a reassuring look, "But, I have to go do something really quickly." Rouge nodded and gave him a small smile back. With that, Sonic was out the door.

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