Rebirth | Chapter 3

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With the help of Cisco and Caitlin Kara slowly begins to let her guard down. The duo never push her or expect her to say something and in exchange she offers up the same courtesy.

They, like her, have been shaped by the trauma of loss. A knot still forms in her stomach at the thought of Mon El but no tears fall anymore. The mission of saving Barry has pushed her to think beyond herself and the fact that she has had to step into Barry's place in society has allowed her to grow as a person.

She has learned that she has a knack for forensic science. "Kara," Singh yells halfway up the steps to Barry's laboratory, "I need that case completed two hours ago." Kara uses her super speed to finish up the last few details before meeting the Captain on the first floor.

"Here," she hands the surprised man a heavy document. Opening it up his eyebrow shot up in surprise. "Very good," he mumbles under his breath before turning back to his office.

There is a vibration in her pocket signaling a text from Cisco. "Robbery at 5th street."

Leaving CCPD she opens her button up revealing her upgraded suit—curtsy of Winn and Cisco.

Leaving CCPD  she opens her button up revealing her upgraded suit—curtsy of Winn and Cisco

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"Yes," Cisco slaps Supergirl's hand as she enters the cortex. Caitlin's eyes land on Supergirl with an appreciative glance. "The new suit looks good." Kara grips and spins with her cape floating behind her.

"They are pants!" She does a little happy dance before hugging Cisco who smiles widely at her sudden happiness. "As much as Winn and I would love to take credit," he looks over at Caitlin, "the pants were actually a suggestion from Frost."

Caitlin grins as Kara clasps her hands together and says, "then we will go out for drinks tonight."

Caitlin has slowly been allowing Frost more control. At first she fought it but after waking up with a major hang over one night and Kara sleeping beside her she realized that all Frost wanted was a friend. Apparently the Kyrptonian and Ice Queen had had a night out on the town before bringing the party back home.

"Of course," Caitlin smiles.

Using the portal that Cisco gave her Kara freely travels back and forth between earths but she finds that she spends most of her time on Barry's Earth with Team Flash.

"Should I be jealous?" Alex asks curled up on Barry's couch, Kara's head in her lap cradling a tub of Blue Bell Ice Cream. Kara eats a spoon full of ice cream before replying. "Never." Alex smiles at Kara's relaxed state. Her sister has finally begun to return to her old self but this time Alex can see a new determination in her eyes.

"How has working at the CCPD full time and Catco part time going?" Kara sits up quickly. "I never realized how exciting Barry's job is. I've had to convince Singh with the help of Joe that I am just a substitute for Barry and I feared that I would screw something up but Alex it's amazing—" Kara continues to geek out and use words Alex can't understand. "It has been great that Catco has allowed me to do this 'away from home piece'."

Alex looks round the apartment as the musical on tv plays. It has been several months since Kara moved to this earth almost full time and she seems to have stepped into Barry's shoes with ease but Alex fears that if Barry never returns what that will do to her sister. Right now Kara's happy place is anywhere that screams Barry Allen, how long will it be until she cant stand it anymore?

Kara, noticing her sister's stiff posture turns to look at her. "We are going to bring him back. We are so close," she closes her eyes, "I can feel it, Alex, the answer is right in front of us." Alex squeezes her sister's waist and buries her head in her shoulder. "And if he returns?" "When he returns I will return back home." Kara looks around the apartment that is now like her second home. "This journey has allowed me to explore parts of myself that I have never been able to before. It seems odd to say but I feel like I have more time on my hands even though I am essentially the hero of two cities and have two civilian jobs."

A couple of months later

"It's a fire breather," Cisco's eyes open wide as the meta blows fire onto the trees in Central City Park. Supergirl arrives on the scene and begins moving the civilians away. "Hey!" she shouts, gaining the attention of the meta. Fire engulfs Kara's new suit, "Spin around!" Cisco yells. Kara listens and extinguishes the fire. Using her breath she manages to occupy the meta long enough to restrain her. "Got her," Kara speaks into the microphone chip.

"You should have let me go," Frost places a hand on Cisco's table. "No we need you here," Frost shakes her head. "No you need Caitlin here. Supergirl needed me out there!" Their argument is cut short as heels click on the floor signaling the arrival of Iris.

Iris enters with Wally and Joe. "That is the tenth meta in the last week," Joe points to the screen. Joe pulls at his face as a wave of exhaustion hits. Between the disappearance of his son and the death of these people he is lucky to get a couple hours of sleep a day.

"I think it's time to stop. We have done all we can." Iris voices next to her father. "Stop?" Cisco asks, his voice raised, and fist clenched. He knows what she is referring to and it infuriates him. "He would never stop for us," his voice shakes with anger.

"I know that!" Iris yells. "But what are we supposed to do," Kara walks in to the cortex, "you have Supergirl out there facing metas every single day. You are keeping Frost on a leash because you are focusing on two things at once. All of our energy should be focused on keeping this city safe."

Cisco sees red, "all of our energy? Iris you went and started a paper a week after his disappearance! Barry put me in charge and—" "He would want us to protect the city. I think I know what he would want." Iris's jaw snaps shut.

"He put me in charge. We have been running team Flash." He motions to himself, Cisco, Supergirl, and Wally. Wally had just gotten back and offered his service immediately to Team Flash. "If anyone gets a vote it's not you."

"So what Kara gets a vote?" Iris's harsh tone causes ice to form on the end of Frost's hands. "She is going to go home and then what do we do?" "I am here to help," Wally tries to calm the situation but Cisco and Iris continue their arguing.

"Enough!" Joe commands, his hands shaking. "Iris, Cisco is the head of Team Flash." His gaze turns to Cisco, "everyone grieves in a different way." Taking a deep breath he continues. "With the Flash gone metas are starting to realize that they can attach Central City. We need to stand together," He nods to Cisco. "I'm not asking you to stop your search for Barry but please remember that you have a speedster, a Kyrptonian, and your powers, use them."

One month later

Ever since the argument Cisco has come up with a plan to effectively use everyone's skills on Team Flash. "Your left, Vibe. Wally go right, Supergirl there!" Iris speaks through the intercoms. Having her at STAR Labs has allowed Cisco out into the field and with the aid of Supergirl, Frost, and Kid FLash the metas don't stand a chance. "Frost now!" Iris shouts and claps her hands in victory--another meta down.

"We did it, go team!" Cisco clinks his glass against his teams as the celebrate but he freezes as the familiar buzz of a cortex being opened hits him. "Kara, we need your help." Alex Danvers steps out of the portal dressed in her DEO gear.

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