Chapter 27

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Hi everyone! This chapter may be a bit unedited, but I'll try to edit anything later. Hope you enjoy the chapter. 💕

Hannes' Point Of View


My Beta's head turned at my voice, the folder in his hands lowering as he gave me his full attention whilst I stepped into his home office. The scent of peppermint was heavy in the air, and became even stronger when I approached his desk, surveying the mess on it.

Various opened folders and documents could be seen, and I eyed the three bowls filled with various mints resting amongst them. A smile twitched my lips as I glanced at Elijah, reminded once again of his extreme delight for mints, something which he worryingly enjoyed since we were children.

"Good morning." Elijah greeted me and placed the folder onto the desk, circling it to get a coffee pot and lift it in question. I raised a hand, declining, my attention becoming focused on the folder he once held.

"What is this about?" I asked, sliding it closer to me so I could see it properly. Several curses erupted from Elijah as documents fell to the wooden floor at my action, and I offered an apology as I skimmed the words of the files inside the folder. I could feel a niggling of annoyance once I saw that it pertained to Corozal.

"It's the information you requested." Elijah muttered, gathering his documents and beginning to clean up his desk, making sounds of displeasure as he did so. I nodded absently, thumbing through the files in the folder as I lowered my body on to his armchair behind the desk, hastily flipping through the files until I saw what I wanted.

I tuned out the noises from Elijah as I read reports on the few persons who had managed to leave the community a year ago; their description of life in Corozal had been apparently very stressful.

Many of the commanders had pushed for extreme submission towards them, and propaganda about all lycans needing to be slaughtered and being evil in nature was at first subtle, but then mounted significantly when the commanders were of the opinion that trust and obedience towards them had been gained. The propaganda then strengthened, and words of the heinous actions of lycans were spoken of daily.

The humans who had written the reports disagreed with some of what was stated, claiming that some of the information about lycans had been blatant lies.

My mind drifted to Olivia and I recalled the disgust and sadness she'd revealed on her expression when I'd brought up the topic of what the people of Corozal had done to those in the Woodsworth pack. Evidently, she'd been of the opinion that the lycans shouldn't have been killed, and knew that the Corozal army had been wrong.

Her wariness towards all lycans still remained however.

And that was something I partially understood. The last time she'd trusted a lycan, it had ended in the deaths of her parents. And based on the horrific statements she'd made inside the cave, and what I'd seen on her body whilst bathing her after she was brought to my pack, she had endured extremely harsh treatments by Kanes, and possibly other lycans.

Her reluctance to trust lycans was high, but I knew that somewhere in her mind, that she was aware that lycans were not all like those in the Klawmoon pack. Nonetheless, her fear towards us was still clear.

My stomach tightened, and my fingers curled cruelly against the papers at the memories of the bruises I'd seen on her body, especially the ones on her back. My anger grew, and it soon could be smelt in the air, startling Elijah who had begun to finally finish up his cleaning.

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