another morning

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narrator pov:

"MAMMMMMOOONNN! HOW DARE YOU EAT MY CUSTARD!!!!" you hear beelzebub yell down in the kitchen. "*sigh* haha its another one of these mornings" you said to yourself weakly, you had just woken up.   you hurried downstairs and grabbed your bag, you didn't have time to get 

dressed you had to save mammon before Beel could kill him. as soon as you got down stairs you saw beel in his demon form chasing a scared, screaming mammon. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! YOU HAVE TO SAVE ME PLEASE!!" yelled mammon as he ducked behind you. you rolled your eyes, beel was 

coming toward you. you pulled a big juicy hamburger out of your bag and held it out for beel. 

"here you are big guy. calm down." you say in a soothing voice. he gladly access the burger and sits down, happily munching away. you give him more food until he is 100% calm. you glance 

over at mammon. " what happened?" you say in a concerned but annoyed voice. " w-well..I... He...---" " He ate my custard that's what." beel interrupted mammon giving a frown. "W-WELL.. I-IF YOU D-DIN'T EAT MY FOOD THEN--"  mammon said. "enough" you said "say where's Lucifer he usually would stop you guys. well whatever gosh this place is a mess..."

sometime later

you're all dressed and ready for school, you cleaned up and Lucifer didn't find out about the fight. All of you where at breakfast. you decided to get to school early so you gave your food to beel and excused yourself. " hey human! wait up! I'm common' too!" mammon called out. 

"why?!" all the brothers said shocked. mammon HATES school. "because!" she said back. he grabbed you hand and rushed out of the room before anyone could say another word.

as soon as you were a few rooms away from the dinning room he stoped running. panting he said, "listen human i need to tell you something'....... hey! what are you lookin' at--" you were looking down face almost completely red. he looked down to you two were still holding hands. 

blushing he swiped his hand away. "a-any w-ways.. i wanted to say thanks for savin' me back there. good job human!" "uhh no problem mammon, come on let's get to class" you two walked off together a few feet apart, because you knew mammon didn't want anyone he was friends with a human. 

the next day (weekend)

your in the living room having conversations with the demon brothers and then... DING! your human phone goes off, its a text from your best friend! it says

bf: Hey (Y/N)! I'm having a sleep over at my house wanna come?!

you: no sorry. :(

bf: awwwwwwww :(

this reminded you of everyone you new in the human world you miss them all so much. knowing that it will be quit sometime until you see their faces again makes you upset. you were so deep in thought you didn't notice that you were tearing up. "(Y/N) are you ok? you're crying." satan said worried. everyone was now looking at you concerned and asking if you were ok.

 " hehe *sniff* im ok i didn't realize i was crying..." you said tipping the tear away. 

"Are you sick? does your stomach hurt?" mammon said. "n-no im ok..really" u reply."poor thing, must be missing home" asmo said. "yes actually.. my friend was having a sleep over tonight... i really miss them.." you say almost tearing up again.  "I know!!! I, the great mammon, will have a sleep over in your room tonight! we can watch movies and play games...OH we can even have a pillow fight!"

what mammon said was so kind you were beaming. "hhhmmmmm... yes. i also think we should have a sleepover with (Y/N) tonight" said Lucifer. "we?!?!?" mammon complained. everyone agreed. "Grrrr.." mammon pouted.

hey every one! this is my first book so far, ik its not the best but im trying if your enjoying it so far than thanks. :)

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