The "sleep over"

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reader pov:

mammon was still really mad that we couldn't have time alone, hehe, he may be not that bright but he sure is sweet. well we decided to camp out in the living room. i set up my sleeping aria in front of the television. and mammon put his right beside mine, as did belphie.

i started to get flash-backs from the retreat. i was reminded of the pillow fight when lucifer nocked out mammon. i was starting to worry. i glared over and saw asmo and mammon arguing about who sleeps next to me. 

i never thought for a second that 2 or more boys would ever fight for me...

narrator pov:

still a bit scared of lucifers throwing skills you ask him to not throw then so hard and he accepts. "so what movie are we watching, (Y/N)?" satan said. you thought for a moment. "horisson potter and the wisarding world!" everyone agreed 

the movie started and belphie was fast asleep, beel had a mountain of popcorn by him, satan was watching picking up every detail, Levi was playing his game glancing back and forth at the two screens, asmo was doing his nails, Lucifer was looking at you trying to see if you were doing 

better, and mammon was holding the chocolate frog in his hand from the day you two when to london.

mammon glanced around the room, and when no one was looking he tossed a pillow at you. no-one accept you noticed.  his face was toward the screen again trying to cover up what he did. yo

you giggled and threw it right back. he let out a laugh and said. "Ha! you dare challenge me the GREAT mammon to a pillow fight?!?!"you nodded your head. the others noticed what was happening and stared to fight as well

but you and mammon were fighting with each other the whole time.

a few hours later:

everyone was fast asleep, Lucifer had retreaded to his room. you got up and headed to the fridge to get something to drink. when you here'd someone walk into the kitchen. "oh hey beel--" you started. you turned around only to see mammon right there. "oh.. Mammon..hey" he looked extremely tired. "are you ok mammon?" you ask. "i-i can't sleep" he said.

you look at him full of pity. he was so tired he didn't realize he was saying or doing anything. "come on.. let me see if i can help." you say in a soft voice. you grab his hand and gently guide him toward your sleeping aria.

you lay him down in front of you in a spooning position. you gently stroked his head. "shhh..shhhh" and you started to softly sing a lullaby your mother sang. "hush my darling close your eyes and in the morning you'll arise. i will never say goodbye and if i do its just a lie, 

because i will never let you got this you really got to know."  "mnnnhhhhhh....." cooed mammon as he fell fast asleep.

as soon as he was asleep you returned to your bed (in the living room) and fell asleep.

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