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Summary: Louis is getting Married to Eleanor, Harry is heartbroken. Happy ending tho👌

Harry pov

"Guys I have an announcement! Me and El are getting married!" louis said cheerfully, I felt my heart drop, the man I was in love with since middle school was getting married to someone else. I ignored the cheers of excitement from his friends and family and quickly rushed out the door. I couldn't see the happy looks on their faces when I feel like I'm dying inside. I wanted to be in Eleanor's position so bad but Louis' not straight and he would never like me, I sit down on the side of the road and put my hands through my hair slightly tugging.

"You okay Harry?" I looked up to see Niall with a worried look, I shook my head and the tears began to fall.

"Louis' was the only one who showed me kindness" I said through my tears, Niall sit down next to me and puts an on my shoulder.

"It might hurt now but you'll soon heal, I promise" I shook my head; I only wanted Louis, but I knew I couldn't have him.

"I should've known he was going to find someone eventually, but Eleanor though out of all people! she finds all his dreams stupid" I sobbed, Niall continue to rub my shoulder in comfort as I sobbed my heard felt. I felt like someone took a sledgehammer and broke my heart into tiny pieces making it difficult to heal.

"Its going to be okay" he assured, god was he wrong.

1 week later

"So, Harry I was thinking if you could be my best man for the wedding?" I honestly don't want to go to the wedding at all, even though I feel like I was in physical pain. I was his best friend first.

"I'd love too" I lied.

Later that night everyone was coupled up except me, I had to watch all friends with their girlfriends/boyfriends and there's me sitting there by myself. Longing for the feel of Louis' arms around me, I realized that will never happen...I feel my eyes swell. No, I was not going to cry here.

"I'm going to use the bathroom" I got up and moved to the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face and took a deep breath.

"Hey Harry" I turned to see Eleanor at the doorway.

"Hey" I said, why was she here?

"You like Louis...uh don't even deny it, I've seen the way you look at him. But remember this he will NEVER love you! So, you can stop thinking your sick fantasies. If you ever try and tell Louis about this conversation, I'll be gladly to tell him his fag of a friend is in love with him...have a nice day" with that she walked out. I felt scared, confused, and aghast. I couldn't believe what happened, I knew Eleanor wasn't a good person and should play this angel in front of Louis, but I honestly didn't expect her to actually try to threaten me.

I walked out of the bathroom making it back to the living room where I see Eleanor giving me a smirk.

Weeks later...3 days until the wedding.

These last few as been hell, Eleanor made it her personal mission to make my life shit. When something would happen, she would be so quick to blame me, and Louis would defend her. Niall saw right through her bullshit, I honestly felt bad for Louis because her sweet angel façade will drop sometime, and Louis would see her true colors. Too late now they're already getting married.

I broke out of thought when I hear a crash in the kitchen which I ran quickly into. I see Eleanor surrounded by shattered plates and a bleeding hand.

"Are you okay?" I asked, even though I didn't like her...she was still hurt. Louis soon came running in.

"Oh my god Louis he threw a plate at me!" I looked at her with so much shock that she could just lie like that.

"Harry what the fuck is your problem!" Louis shouted.

"What! She's lying!" I yelled back him, I knew you for most of my life and you believe this girl over me.

"Why the hell would Eleanor lie to me?" he glared at me

"Why would I lie to you, I have been nothing but honest with you and you believe HER over ME. Someone you knew since primary school" I couldn't believe him.

"I don't even know I put up with you! Ever since you got with her you've been doing nothing but treat me like shit"

"Then why are you still here!?" he yelled at him.

"Because I love you! I loved you so I stayed. I only want to see you happy, but I can't keep allowing this torture...see you around Louis" I quickly left not wanted to see his reaction, he was probably disgusted. I guess this it.

Wedding day

Its Louis and Eleanor's wedding day...great. I haven't answered louis' calls since what happened a few days ago. Embarrassed that I confessed my love for him in front of his fiancé. The doorbell rings, I get up confused since everyone I know should be at the wedding. But there he was, in that nice suite and his hair nicely slicked back.

"Louis what are you doing here?" he didn't say a word but instead he pushed past me to enter my house. I shut the door and followed him...he stops and turns around.

"I thought about what you said, and you were right...everyone was right. Eleanor was wolf in sheep's clothing. I lost touch on who wads really Important...its you...it was you thee entire time. God I'm such a fucking idiot"

I rush over to him and cup his cheeks pulling him into a kiss, he tenses up but soon relaxed putting his arms around my waist pulling me closer. We slowly break apart resting our foreheads on one another.

"I could get use to this" I laughed, I always dreamed being in louis' arms...I guess dreams really do come true.

A/N: Not my best work tbh but I hoped you enjoyed the story. stay safe💙💚

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