Gang leader

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(Young Guns gang)

The gang names:

Y/n: Sniper/Snipe
Avani: Miss A.V
Jackson: Cobra
Riley: Lady Joker/Lady J
Chase: Play boy
Payton: (the leader) Lil Wolf
Jacob sartorius: Bad J
Faith: Lady Hitman

(The Bolters)

Josh Richards: Lil bloddy (the leader of the bolters)
Cash Baker: Big Cash
Danielle Cohn: Lil Mama

Dixie D'amelio: Miss Shadow
Charli D'amelio: Miss Midnight
Maverick Baker: Lil Smoke

I was walking to the base when I saw Avani walking towards me with a gun "fucking bol- oh shit! Sorry Y/n! I thought you were a bolter!" She puts her gun down "you think the bolders are everywhere Avani and they might be but, keep the gun down on me" I smiled "come on, let's go to the house". We got to the house and Jackson and Chase were by the door with their guns "hey girls" Jackson smiled "sup" the boys moved and we went inside. Riley sees us walk in "hey
Miss A.V and Snipe" "sup Lady J?". I went upstairs to my room and changed into this:

After I got dressed, I walked out of my room and see Payton "hey Babe" "hi Pay" "Do you have your gun on you?" I unzipped my jacket to show my gun in the side of my pants "ok, good. Can you go find Faith? I told her to be here and she isn't" I nodded "yeah, I'll be back" before I could leave, Payton grabs my wrist "do you have enough bullets?" I pulled out my hand gun and checked "yeah" I put my gun back and zipped up my jacket "I'll be ok babe, you dont need to worry about me. If I am in danger, I'll let you know" he nodded "ok" I kissed his cheek, ran downstairs and went out the door to see Cobra and Play boy playing ice hockey in the garage. "Snipe, where are you off to?" Jackson yelled "I have to go find Lady hitman" "stay safe!" Chase yelled. I walked off and went to Faith's house, I felt like she was there. As I was getting closer to the house I saw Lil Mama outside the house "are you fucking kidding me!?" I whispered. I crouched down and hid behind the side of the house "why is she here?" Faith comes out of the house and I see Danielle loading her gun "No!" I grabbed my gun and shot her in the arm that she held the gun in "Fuck!" She screamed and went to the ground. I ran over to her "dont come back around here unless you want to get shot in the head, understand?!" Lil mama was new to the Bolters and didn't know how to properly use a gun "o-ok!" She grabbed her gun and ran. Faith looked at me "what the hell Snipe!?" I put my gun away "Pay sent me to find you. When I got here, I saw her waiting for you to come out and shoot you" She shakes her head "thanks Y/n, what does my brother want?" "I dont know but he wants you to come over" "ok, let me grab my gun cause apparently the bolters want me dead!" She runs inside and comes back out with her gun "ok, let's go". We got back to the base and I see Payton "where the hell were you Faith?" "At my house? And apparently the bolters want me dead" Payton raised an eyebrow. "Lil mama was at Faith's and waited for her to come out and shoot her. Thank god she is a newbie and doesn't know how to use a gun, I shot her in the arm before she shot lady hitman" Payton looked at Faith "you didn't have your gun on you?" "I didnt think a bolter would be right outside my fucking house Payton!" He shakes his head "just- keep it on you from now on. We need to figure out how the hell the found out were you live" all of a sudden, Payton pulls me into his arm. "I will shoot you if you dont tell me who the fuck you are and why you were about to shoot her!?" "Calm down boss, it's just me!" I turn around to see Jacob taking off his mask "Fuck Big J! Your gun looked like it was aiming towards Y/n. I was so close to blowing your head off!" His arm was around my stomach "sorry boss!" He let's me go "Faith, come with me" Faith followed Payton inside. "You ok Snipe?" I turn around "I think you scared the boss more than me, Big J" he laughs "I think so too, he is very protective over you" "not just over me, he is protective over everyone here" Jacob nods "true". We walked inside the garage "nice job scaring the boss, Big J" Jackson said high-fiving him "I didnt mean too" I laughed and went over to the bar area to see Chase and Avani "hey guys" I said sitting down on a bar stool. "Sup Sniper, want a drink?" Avani said going behind the bar. I nodded "yes please" "what do you want?" "a Shirley Temple" she smiles "alright, one shirley temple coming up!" Chase looks at me "heard that you shot Lil Mama". I nodded "yeah, she was trying to shoot Lady hitman" "damn, you're crazy-" "I know" I winked. "Here is your temple" Avani said sliding my drink to me "thanks bartender" she smiled. Payton sits next to me "want anything, boss?" Avani asked "just a red bull please" "alright, in the can or in a cup?" "In the can is fine" Avani opens the fridge, opens the red bull can and hands it to Payton "thanks A.V" she nodded. Payton takes a sip of his drink "Hey Y/n?" I looked at him "what's up?" "Do you want to train with me? I need myself a partner to help" he smiled "sure" we finished our drinks and went inside and to the basement. We went to the shooting room/ the boxing room "gonna be punching the bags?" He nodded "yeah i- I'll be right back" he runs upstairs. I pulled out my gun and start shooting the practice board and dummy "I should practice fight too" I put my gun to the side, took off my jacket and hung it up on the clothes hook. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on my gloves and started punching the bag. I see Payton coming back down "here, practice with me instead of the bag" I shrugged "ok" he takes off his shirt and puts his gloves on "ready?" I nodded. I swung a punch and missed "that was a nice throw" he smirks and throws a punch and I dodged "come on Pay, you dont have to go easy on me" I smiled and punched him in the stomach and pinned him down. "Shit-!" Payton said trying to catch his breath "were you going easy on me?" I asked. He smiled "I didnt want to kick your ass!" I realized I was still on him and slowly got up "sorry" "it's all good, round 2? If you really want, i wont go easy" "prove it! Prove that you can beat your girlfriend's ass!" I laughed. He smiles and shrugs "if you say so-" I threw a punch and missed. He punches my arm and then my head "that's better-" I smiled at him "did i hurt you?" I shake my head "no you didn't, but you can't ask that to the person your in a fight with" I go to punch him but he caught my arm and turn us over and pins me "is that better?" "Alot better" our faces were really close to each other's "you ok babe?" "Y-yeah" him this close to me, I lost in his eyes. He smiles "what's the look for, babygirl?" "Kis-" "Snipe! Were are you?". I snapped out of it "who the hell was that?" Payton got off of me and helped me up "I think that was Lady hitman" I sighed "what the hell does she want?" Payton shrugged "no clue" He said pushing hair back. I went upstairs "Y/n I swear-! Oh, your right there" Faith says as she sees me "why are you sweaty?" I grabbed a towel that Payton leaves by the stairs after workouts, wiped the sweat off then put it around my neck "me and Pay were boxing- what did you want me for?" "Do you know were Play boy's hand gun is?" I looked at her "is that seriously why you called me up?" "Yeah? I'm sorry but me, Cobra, him and A.V are going out and he doesn't have it on him!" I groaned "he always has it- anyway, it should be in his room or in the gun room" "I forgot about the gun room, thanks Snipe!" I smiled and shook my head. I went back downstairs and see Payton shooting the dummy "Y/n?" "Yeah, it's me" he looks at me and puts his gun away "before you say anything- I'm in trouble, aren't I?" I teased. He laughs "Maybe-? no, your not. Can you hand me a towel real quick?" I nodded and threw him a towel. He wiped his face and put the towel around his neck "so...what were you about to say before you ran upstairs?" I smiled "what? " He shakes his head "dont be like this, love" "I-" "Boss! Come here!" I threw my jacket on and got my gun "I'm coming with". He nodded, threw on his shirt and grabbed his gun. We ran upstairs and see Cobra "what's up?" "We have a visitor in the garage". We went to the garage and saw Big Cash with his hands and feet tied to a chair "well, if it isn't Big Cash-" I said walking towards him. I lifted his chin up with my gun "what are you doing around here, Hmm? Did your bossy send you?" "I'm not saying shit-" I chuckled "of course you won't, you have to listen to your mafia and if you told me the truth, me or your little boss would blow your head off, right?" He smirks at me "boss is right, you are hot when your threatening" Jackson starts walking towards us but Chase put out his arm and stops him "she can handle this". I crouched down "I wont ask again, what are you doing here?" "To see you. We need a stripper" he winks at me "you're not very smart when you open your mouth, see my brothers? Cobra, Play boy and Big J? Most importantly, my man? They wont hesitate to shoot you if you say something dumb again or do you want me to shoot you myself?". Cash smiles "god you're a badass woman!" "Anyone else in you gang here?" He smiled "why dont you ask Cobra?" I looked at Jackson "his brother is in the car" I facepalmed "get his ass out of that car and tie him up next to Cash" Jackson nodded, got Lil smoke out of the car and threw him on the ground next to Cash. "Brothers stick together, huh?" Maverick looks at me "of course, we also pick up hot chicks like yourself together" I rolled my eyes "guess your brother didnt hear me-" I looked at Maverick "say something stupid again and you can deal with my boys, ok?" He smirks "I rather have you". I cracked my knuckles, punched him in the face and his head goes back "how's that, fucker?". He lifts his head up "not bad" blood came down his nose "keep an eye on these two" I said to Play Boy, Cobra, Lady j and A.V . Me and everyone else went in the house, I feel a strong arm go around my stomach "if someone interrupts us one more time- I swear" I smiled and turned around. Payton's arms go to my waist "tell me, what were you gonna say be-" Faith started walking toward us "Faith- I will talk to you in a sec. I'll be right with you-" he said, not even taking his eyes off of me. Faith nods and walks away "ok, now- what were you-" "we lost the moment" he raised his eyebrow "what momen- wait- the basement thing?" I nodded "I guess now that I look at really wasn't a moment and i-" he puts his hand on my cheek, he bit his lip. "I know I never say this but- I promise that I love you. We live in a world were it's good gangs like us, Anndd bad gangs- like the bolters. No cops anymore- well, besides the cop gang.... it's just us. I've been so caught up with this shit that I have had no time for you or it seems like it know what-? Fuck it-! Me and you night! I dont care if there's bolters out there, Cobra and them can take care of them. I'm really sorry babe". I hugged him "this is the Payton most people dont see....but, I fell in love with him" he smiles "ok, movie night?" "Yeah!". He picks me up and we go downstairs, to the movie theater. We picked a random movie that we didn't even watch, we most just talked over it. We sat on the giant lovesac we had down there "babe-? Want to play triva?" He smiles "is it the triva game you made up to make it seem like I was a bad boyfriend?" "No.....?" He smiles "that's a yes- ok. Ask a question". "What is my favorite animal?"wolf" "correct". "Your turn" he chuckles "uum......when's my birthday?" "Pshhh! Easy! July 28th, 2003" he smiles "wow, surprised you remembered-" "now your making it seem like I'm that bad girlfriend!" He laughs "maybe-?". We continued the game for a bit until I layed down "tired, babe?" I nodded "mhmm-" he pulls me into his arms "sleep then" "ok-" I look up "I love you Pay" "I love you too Y/n". I open my eyes to see I'm in bed "oh- ok then..." I whispered, I turn my body over and jump to see Payton's bare back, facing me. "Oh my-" I put my hand on my chest. Payton faces me "you ok??" I hear him ask. "Yeah- did I wake y-?" "No, I can't sleep. Cobra and Play Boy took the brothers to the cop gang and put them in prison- I just-" "babe, go to sleep. Dont let your mind think the worse, your mind is good at playing games with you" he sighs "I know-" "goodnight Pay" he pulls me into his arms "goodnight babygirl"

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