° - Arabian nights

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"Alright alright

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"Alright alright. .let me get this straight"

"You want nothing" she gasped throwing her hands up into the air "I-I mean I guess I do want something but I just don't want to waste the wishes, there are so many possibilities" he expressed, it had been a whole day since he had met the genie and after hiding her from his parents who had come back home from work the next morning he had expected it all to be a dream until she had popped up and woken him up begging him to make a wish

"Can't you just come with me
and stick around for a while"

"Well it's not like I'm going anywhere and I can't anyway. . ." Naiya skipped around the room taking a seat on the windowsill the light bouncing off her reflective veil

"How do you expect me, an all powerful genie to follow you around" Naiya said sceptically "I don't have an idea for a wish, the right thing would be to wait for a dire situation. ."

"Unless I could wish for a confidence boost"

The female sighed, walking around the black haired boy, she gave him a hard stare "Look. .as a confidant let me tell you something. .i can't really make you feel a certain way but I can help you Ejiro"

"How far exactly is this — exam, and how important is it" she asked, her long dark locks trailing behind her "it's in ten months and it's basically the biggest exam of my life. . until then I have to prepare for the writing portion and then the practical exam"

"I could give you the knowledge of a thousand philosophers and you would ace that test" Naiya laughed, before a frown replaced her smile "t-that would be great and all but. . that wouldn't be fair for everyone else who studied hard, I want to get into Yuuei with my own strength my own ability"

'There's not a single bad thought in this boys head. . everything is either unfair or unjust, How can help him. .so pure hearted' in all her years Naiya served masters who all cared about themselves only, but Kirishima had a heart of gold

"You really do want to be a hero"

"Y-yeah It's important to me"

"Fine then in these long ten months I'll help you train, we'll push your quirk in ways you've never imagined" Naiya had never been in the world for that long, so used to having her job over and done with, she would enjoy her period of freedom

"What do or who do you aspire to be"

"What is your image"

"My inspiration. .crimson riot"

"I feel like I'm too dull to be a successful hero and with no confidence, I won't make it" all the negativity made Naiya shrink, in her short time with the male he had no faith in himself whatsoever and each time his eyes fell, her heart shattered bit by bit 'He does need help'

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