Where's Luna?

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Reid POV:

After begging for his keys I drove Tyler's hummer as fast I could back to the campus and to the girls dormitory hoping I could find Luna before she retired to her room. 

How I didn't get stopped buy a cop I have no idea because I was going twice the speed limit. I pulled into to the first parking space I could find not caring if I was in the lines or not, all I wanted was to get to Luna.

Almost running to the girls dorm my ears perked up as I heard high pitched giggling not to far from me.

"Luna?" I shouted following the sound of the chuckling only to find Kate and Sarah walking down the hall. They automatically went silent and their smiles now replaced with looks of anger and disapproval. They knew.

"Wheres Luna?" I asked 

"Like we'd tell you" Kate said with a little spite in her voice

"Please, just tell me"

"Reid" Sarah walked up to me putting a a hand on my shoulder her eyes soft but a small frown on her face "I don't think she wants to see you right now" 

"Come on I need to talk to her"

They both looked at each other than back at me. Kate a look of disgust while Sarah looked apologetic before walking away from me without a word. 

"Oh come on!" I through my hands in the air before lowering my head in defeat.

I'm such a fucking idiot. Why the fuck did Luna have to see me getting blown in the woods? 

I raked my hands in my hair and sighed deeply feeling hopeless. There were a couple hundred rooms in this building I couldn't knock on every single door, especially at this hour. Campus security would have a field day. 

I looked up at the ceiling and folded my hands thinking "I know we aren't on good terms but please if you help me find Luna, I won't use for a week.'


I breathed another sigh and bowed my head overcome with defeated once again as I walked back slowly to my dorm.


I snapped my head up and once again followed the direction of where the sound was 'thud' . The sound grew louder. Just around the corner I saw a girl with silver hair thrusting herself against the door. Luna. I didn't hesitate as I walked up behind her as she continued to ram her shoulder against the sturdy wooden door.

I walked up close my body almost touching hers "Need some help?" 

She squealed only for her to turn  and see it was me "Sorry didn't mean to scare you"

 She placed a hand over her heart taking deep breaths trying to steady herself. I chuckled to my self before the door handle twisting and turning it but refused to open. Taking a step I inhaled a deep breath through my nose and focusing on the knob until the door flung open.

Yep I used. I know I know 'But Reid you promised God'  but come on did you really think I was going to give up using for a week? Fuck that.

"Thank you" I heard her mumble as she turned to walk in her room as I walked after her she stopped in her tracks and turned only to have her body press against mine. 

"No" She said firmly

She looked up at me with those beautiful dark brown eyes that I could stare at for hours. Her body was still against mine. I could feel her heart beat in her chest.

"Can we please just talk?" 

I could see in her face that she was struggling whether to hear me out or kick me out. I held my breathe waiting for an answer until she finally decided.

"You have five minutes" 

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