Still not over him

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Luna's POV

Okay, I know what you're all thinking 'Luna how could you give in so easily!'  but the thing is I knew if I said no Reid would just beg until I gave in, most guys do. It's like a child annoying his mother to buy him a candy bar he won't stop until she gives in. So I might as well let the kid have his candy and save myself the headache.

"Single dorm, nice" he said looking around.

"Shut up" I barked pulling out my phone to set a timer for five minutes and turned the phone to show him that I was pressing start "I would start talking now" I said turning the screen back to me watching numbers count down.

"Look Luna" he began raking his hand through his hair.

"Four minutes and forty-five seconds left" 

I looked at him and the apologetic look on his face was replaced with anger and frustration "Are you really just going to look at your phone the whole time while I'm talking!" 

The left corner of my mouth lifted up into a small smirk as I watched his face get red. It was almost cute seeing him angry. Almost.

"Yes, because I feel like you would have to write ten Stephen King novels to explain how and why you let some random girl blow you." I paused starting to realize what I just said. Why did he feel the need to explain himself? Reid and I were in no intimate relationship what so ever. Hell we weren't even friends, he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. So why was I angry? And why was I giving this jackass a minute of my time to explain himself. "Actually"  I started walking around him and placed my hands on his back pushing him towards the door "You really don't need to explain yourself. We aren't dating. You're not my boyfriend. So why come all this way to explain yourself to me" I said using my strength to make him move, but it was no use it was like moving a boulder.

Reid turned around slowly my hands now on his abs. My breath caught in my throat as my digits were slightly digging into his shirt wanting to rip it off and just...No Luna there is no way you are doing anything with this ass hole after what you saw.

He looked down at me, his icy blue eyes staring down into my dark brown ones. It was like he could see into my soul and know what I was thinking, feeling, wanting.

"Luna" his lips parted slightly till before leaning down to press his lips against mine.

My eyes widened before fluttering shut and surrendering myself to him. The kiss was soft and gentle at first but started to grow more rough and passionate as the seconds went by. Shit. I though, this was supposed to be my 'Suck it Garwin' moment but instead I was letting him win.

Wait...Seconds... My phone. If I could just look at my phone see how much time we had before the alarm went off then I can push him off and kick him like I don't even care. I opened my eyes half way and lifted my hand to look at the screen but was greeted with his fingers coiling around mine only to take the phone out of my hand and throw it on the bed. Fuck.  I thought now feeling that same hand on my waist and slowly wrap his strong arm around me pulling me closer to him that are bodies were once again pressed together. 

I could feel my willpower slowly fade as I could feel his lips travel down to my throat. The warmth of his breath tickling my skin started to make knees buckle, thank God his arm was supporting me. 

I let out a sigh as he planted another kiss on the back of my ear letting one of my hands grab the back of his hair while the other slithered to the hem of his shirt and under to feel his bare skin. Biting my lower lip to the point where I could almost taste blood as my hand could feel his body tense against my touch. Before I could travel any further up (or down) Reid lifted me up letting my knees cling to his hips only to have me toss me onto my bed like I weighed as much as my phone. Our gazes met again, it was like an animal staring at its prey before he attacked. Without hesitation he removed his jacket, hoody followed by the white T-shirt only to reveal his sculpted body. I swear my eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw his well defined muscles. 

"See something you like?" he smiled 

A lot I thought but before I could answer he pounced on top of me bring his lips back to mine. Our breathing became heavy that I could feel the room begin to grow warmer. As if he could sense it Reid paused looking back at me while his hands lifted up my top and carelessly threw it to the side. Now it was his turn to drool. I could see it in his face that he definitely liked what he saw. Leaning down to kiss the back of my ear "You're so beautiful" he breathed. I could feel him press against me and when I say press against me I mean I could feel something hard against my inner thigh and it wasn't his arms, though it sure felt like an arm. 

His kisses now travelling down to my chest putting his face face between my tits. I had to stop this, but how? Honestly, there was a part of me that didn't want this to stop; to keep going further until we were both naked and under the sheets. The other part was telling me 'do you really want someone's sloppy seconds?' 


It was than the rational part of me snapped back to reality. I muster up what little power I had left I quickly grabbed my phone before Reid could stop me. I looked at the timer hoping that it would go off soon so I could carry out with my original plan but when I looked at it my face fell. The timer was off. Deleted. Like I never even started it to begin with. I looked down at Reid who was now fumbling to undo my jeans. The wheels started turning. He used.

My face intoxicated by his mere tough now turned into that of pure rage. 

Using my legs I started kicking him off me.

"Get the fuck out!" I yelled.

"What?" Reid said his face confused.

"You used to stop the alarm!"

"Oh... yeah....that" he rubbed the back of his head "I was thinking things were going pretty well-"

"So you thought 'Hey I got a blow job from one girl tonight let's try and see if I can fuck another!" I could feel my face getting red hot as I picked up his clothes and I stormed toward the door opening it for him to leave. 


Reid's face fell as he looked to the floor as he walked towards the door before turning looking at me with eyes full of sadness and guilt "I'm sorry" he whispers.  before I threw his clothes at him slamming the door in his face. 

I was getting to the point where I could feel tears once again rolling down my cheeks for the second time tonight. My eyes blurred as I looked around the room to see something orange laying on the floor. Wiping my tears I walked over to pick it up. It was Reid's hood. I burst out crying into the clothing. It smelled like, campfire from tonight's party mixed with a musky sent. I thought I could resist Reid Garwin. I thought now that I was beautiful that I would have the upper hand that he would be the one drooling over me, but I the truth is I'm still not over him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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