✧Chapter Twenty Seven✧

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Chapter Twenty Seven - Is it over?

The battle continued.

To me, it looked like Jinri was on top. I was actually both surprised and not. I was surprised, cause Theodore would think he's all high and mighty- and look at him now. I was also not surprised, cause I knew my baby was strong.

In all seriousness, I still didn't know who was gonna win, but it looked like Theodore knew exactly who would be a victory, cause he was sneaky. I didn't even see him come behind me, as he literally held a blade to my neck, holding onto me tightly.

“You sneaky little asshole” This guy seriously never plays by the rules;I mean they ain't no rules, but I'm sure you knew what I mean.

“Let her go if you know what's good for you” Jinri threatened, but honestly Theodore thought she was joking, like he always thinks everything is.

Theodore laugh “And what are you gonna do?” He challenged “Because if you step any closer, no more pet for you. You'll have a headless lover” He told her, which made me get the chills. A headless lover..?

Jinri growled “You always have to play dirty, do yeah?” She said annoyed.

Theodore laughed “You know me so well” He grinned, as I felt him push the blade against my neck. I wasn't about to let him feel like he was winning this round, cause I'm sure he has forgotten about something.

“Didn't you forget that I'm a vampire now” I growled, feeling the rage build up inside me “And when people play dirty” I don't know how I did it. But I did. I quickly got out of his grasp. He needed to learn how to always be on guard “They always lose if they ain't playing fair” I told him, as I used my vampire strength to turn the tables, which gave Jinri the opportunity to make her move.

Jinri took Theodore from my grasp and slammed him against the floor, pinning him down with her knee against his chest.

“You wouldn't” Theodore challenged, as he growled.

“I would” Now this time Jinri looked like a god damn psychopath she was enjoying this way to much “Say hi to Satan for me” She said with devilish smirk on her face, as she snapped his head right off his body, and seeing that made me sick to my stomach.

“Try to come back from that” She said, as she stood up, looking down at Theodore's lifeless body.

I honestly, just have to say this again. This seriously feels like I'm watching a movie or something...and well.. I wasn't disappointed by the ending.


After that whole big event that just happened. Jinri erased both my mom's and Alayna's memory of all of that even happening to them. She brought them back home, while I was burning Theodore's body in our backyard. Now I know how to kill a vampire these days. I still couldn't believe he was gone, just like that.

As I was watching Theodore's body turn into ashes, I felt Jinri wrap her arms around me from behind me.

“Now I'm finally free, huh?” Jinri said, looking at the flames, that was burning her ex lover to ash.

“You were free all along, he was just to obsessive over you” I said, which got a small laugh out of Jinri.

“I guess I have to stopped dating people that are obsessive over me then” I felt her hug me tight from behind.

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