Chapter 1

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The sound of birds chirping filled my ears as I looked out the window. Glancing down to my lap I look at the drawing I had started. On the page was a delicate woman who was looking out at the sea. It was just a pencil sketch at the moment, but once I was done I would probably color it. As I thought of the future for my drawing a loud thud rang out from the other side of my door. Seconds later it burst open to reveal my father. His blonde hair was ruffled and unkempt. His blue robe was loosely tied around his waist. 

"Raven, your mom wants you down for breakfast before you leave for the exam" he said while dusting himself off.

Hearing this I gave a small hum in response. With that he left with a small nod. Once he was gone I got up with a sigh and headed to my closet. Grabbing a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans I got dressed. Do I have to go? Why can't I just stay in bed and draw?  I asked myself silently while I made my bed. My room wasn't much. I had a twin sized bed lined up with my window so I had a good view. The desk I had connected to the head board of my bed frame which also acted as a dresser. At the foot of my bed I had a vintage chest where I kept my jackets and extra blanket during the summer. On the wall opposite my bed was a full length mirror and two doors leading to the bathroom/ closet. Once I was done making my bed I looked at myself in the mirror. Seeing that I looked like an ok human being I made my way out into the hall and down stairs. At the bottom step I paused to listen to the shouting coming from the kitchen.

"Eggs are better scrambled not boiled! You're going to smell up the whole kitchen!"

"You get the best taste out of boiled eggs. I'm the one that's going to be eating them anyways."

"I, for one, agree with mom" I said making my way to the kitchen.

Upon my entrance my mom smiled, placing a plate on the counter near me.

"Eat up!" she declared.

Grabbing the plate I quickly ate. When I finished I placed my plate in the sink and dashed for the front door. 

"Be back by ten!" my father shouted.

"I will!"

When I made it outside I began to jog towards the most prestigious hero school ever UA. Today was the entrance exam and I couldn't wait! Actually scratch that I was freaking out, but I've been working for this for as long as I could remember. As I ran I took in the details of the area around me. It was only a 20 minute jog to UA from my house so it didn't take very long for me to get there. Standing outside of the gates I watch students walk in with nervous yet excited energy. Taking a deep breath I began making my way through the gates. I was observing some kids showing off their quirks when I was roughly pushed forward. Looking back I froze for a moment. Right behind me was a rather tall guy with spiky ash blonde hair. Piercing red eyes stared back at my pitch black ones.  He had a pale yellow scarf around his neck giving a nice touch to the rest of his all black outfit. 

"What are you looking at extra!?!" he asked pulling me from my thoughts.

"You" I replied before turning around and continuing my walk to the auditorium. Behind me I could hear and angry 'tch' which caused a small smirk to grace my lips. Once everyone had found a seat within the auditorium Present Mic began to explain how the exam. In truth I spaced out while he explained, though it wasn't my fault, I haven't slept in two days. Thankfully I had tuned in just enough so I had an idea of what was expected. We were given a few minutes to change if need and to prepare for the exam itself. When our time was up we were immediately lead to a large gate to wait. As we stood waiting a small yawn escaped my lips. I have a slight problem with staying up late considering that is when I have to most energy.  Losing my self in my thoughts I barely noticed the others sprinting through the now open gates. Shaking my head I began running too. Once I was inside I called on all the shadows around me. I formed some into a skate board while the others were told to follow me until needed. Using me shadow board I raced past students until I came upon a cluster of  robots. Game on I thought. Grabbing hold of my extra shadows I launched them at the robots having them penetrate  only to force them out through the metal. I continued this technique destroying as many robots as I could until I heard a loud scream.

"Go!" I commanded to the shadow board. 

Soon I was racing behind the largest robot only for it to come crumbling in front of me. Glancing around I looked for the source of it's destruction while the shadows took evasive maneuvers. Once I spotted the green haired boy falling from the sky instinct kick in. Thrusting my hands forward I sent shadows to catch the boy as he fell, all while trying not to be crushed. When I made it to the other side I watched my shadows place the unconscious child on the ground. Knowing he was safe I let the shadows disperse back to were they came from. Walking over to the boy I took in his appearance. He had a mop of wild green hair with freckles sprinkled perfectly across his face. The right arm of his teal jacket was gone revealing a mangled broken arm. Geez, he is not very bright, but he sure has courage I thought.

"Are you alright deary?" A gentle voiced asked.

Glancing up my eyes landed on a sweet elderly lady dressed like a nurse holding a syringe like cane.

"I'm fine ma'am, though i can't say the same for him" I reply glancing down to the boy at my feet. 

"I'll see what I can do. If you are fine you may leave" she explained.

"Thanks" I said before making my way to the front. A few weeks prier they had held the general testing given to see how good you are with math, english,  what ever else they considered important. Now came the wait which I had a feeling would be another reason I wouldn't sleep for the next week. I need to relax I thought. Immediately the beach came to mind as walk, so with a shrug I began thinking of which drink i would buy once I got there.


Opening the door to my house I was quickly embraced. 

"Hey ma" I said pulling away from the bone crushing hug.

"I figured you would be stressed so I made your favorite dinner and I did the dishes. I also put your clothes away just the way you showed me" My mom declared.

"Thank you mom! Your the best!" I exclaimed giving her a big smile.

"I know. Now go wash up so we can eat."

Giving a quick nod, I ran up the stairs to my room. closing the door I grabbed my pajamas and a clean pair of underwear before heading for the shower. Turning on the water i quickly stripped myself of the clothes I had been wearing. Placing them in the hamper hanging on the bathroom door, I stepped into the now warm water. Once I was done and dressed i made my way back downstairs. Jogging to the kitchen I found my mom serving the food.

"Does dad have to work late tonight?" I ask grabbing the plate that was being handed to me.

"Unfortunately yes,but he wanted me to tell you that he was very proud of you" she replied placing a kiss on the top of my head.

I gave a small smile and nodded. With that we ate and talked about the day and what we had done. I describe the test to her while she sat and listened. It was probably the most peaceful it has been in a while. When it came time to go to bed I gave my mom a hug before heading up to my room. Laying on my bed I let my mind wander. Tomorrow would be hard to get through. Heck the days it took before I got that letter determining my fate would be hell. In the end all i can do is suffer and wait.

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