Chapter 4

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The next day I woke up and went through my usual morning routine. Once I looked decent I grabbed my note book and ran down stairs grabbing my bag. Glancing at the clock above me it read 5:04.  If I leave now I can take my time to school I thought. Running back to the kitchen I grabbed an apple to eat while I walk and made my way out. I had left a note on the table saying I had left early so that I could have time to myself. As I walked I listened to the birds that found this time the moment to let their song be heard. Smiling to my self I thought back to what the shadows had said the night before.

"What should I do with this information?" I asked myself

"You could use it for blackmail."

"Now why would I do that? Last I checked they're my coworkers" I said glancing off to the side.

There walking along side me was my own shadow. Letting out a small sigh I tried to figure out what was bothering me. Every time my shadow decided to mirror me, upright, was when I had some sort of problem.

"Don't worry. YOU'RE fine, I just need to tell you that some things aren't right. Stay vigilant."

Before I could ask what she meant I was pushed. As I fell I felt something secure itself around me right before I hit the ground. Glancing around I saw the shadows of the trees had a hold on me. Once I was stable and on my feet I was met with an anger pomeranian man.

"Tell me what the actual heck that was" He demanded taking a threatening step forward.

"That was my quirk at work" I stated before continuing on my way

While I walked I could hear his angry stomps behind me while he demanded I stop. So I did the opposite and speed up. This continued until we where full on sprinting through the school gates. As we ran I let out a loud laugh coming to a stop just out side the main doors. A loud  shout sound behind me which signal to keep moving. Opening the doors I ran into the building, all the way to class. Bursting through the door I ran to my desk only to drop dead on top of it.

"Are you ok miss?"

Looking up to my right a giant of a man standing there staring at me with concern. 

"Yeah I'm fine just had a bit of a run. Also please call me Night" I explained as I got up.

"Well if you are alright let me introduce myself. My name is Tenya Iida. I-"

Before he could finish his sentence the door to the classroom slammed open. In came the angry pomeranian man looking more pissed than he had before.

"You make me chase you all the way here and ignore me. I don't have the patience to deal with your crap freak" He declared 

"Then don't. As far as I'm concerned my answer was good enough" I said with a small smile.


I cut him off with a small wave of my hand sending shadows to wrap around his mouth and pull his hands, which were sending off small explosions, back.

"First off don't cuss. Second don't try to hurt me because if you do I won't be able to hold my little friends back."

It was then that I realized everyone had quieted down. Turning to the rest of the class I was met with stares and open mouths. Giving a small smile and wave, I decided to introduce myself. 

"Hello everyone! My name is Raven Nightingale, but please just call me Night. My quirk, as being demonstrated, is called Shadow Whisper. As it's name sake I can speak to shadows."

Silence followed my words leaving to give an awkward chuckle. Snapping my fingers the shadows let go of the angry blonde. As soon as the shadows had lowered to the ground  Aizawa walked through the door.

"What did you do Night?" he asked as he took in the state of his students shocked expressions.

"Nothing really. All I did was introduce my self. Unless I did something without realizing it." I replied hopping over to my desk.

"Right. . . Let's just get started."

After he said that he began to start the day. As he took role I paid attention to who replied to each name. Then class after class went by with me drawing each person on their respective page. During lunch I ate with Aizawa and Mic in the teachers lounge. Finally the last class of the day came. Hero training. We didn't have to wait long for our teacher to show. The door slammed open revealing the number one hero.


Everyone was freaking out as he walked to the  front. He began to talk about stuff that I didn't pay attention too. What brought me back to reality was panels on the side of the wall in the front popping out.

"Now get dressed and meet me outside" Allmight declared before leaving.

Everyone walked up front to grab their cases. Once the crowd had thinned I made my way up and took my case before making my way to the changing room. Quickly changing I observed my costume. It was a dark purple full bodysuit made out of fire proof and non tear material. The shoes where black heeled boots that came up to my knee. Around my waist was a belt that had three small pouches attached to it. One held a first aid kit while the others were empty. Tying my hair up into a ponytail, I placed on the finishing touch, the mask. It was cut similarly to the phantom of the Opera's mask. The designs on it consisted of purple, black and silver swirls. The eye part was a small screen that read the health signature of a person and alert me of there weak points. After my observing my design I ran outside to meet the others. 

"You all look like heroes!" Allmight exclaimed before explaining the training we would be doing. Teams of two will go against each other. One would be heroes while the others villains. To win heroes must capture the villains or find the fake bomb hidden within the building. Villains just have to capture the heroes to win. This is going to be fun I thought.


Hey everyone! sorry for not updating recently. I literally have no excuse. Also sorry for this not being as long as other chapters. I plan on making the next chapter rather long so keep an eye out for that! Please vote and comment, give me feed back, it helps.

Love y'all! Turtle signing off!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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