Chapter two

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A week had passed before it came. I had been out in the shed, which had been transformed into a gym, working out when my mom came barging in. She was smiling from ear to ear while holding a clean white envelope. Dropping the weights I had in hand I race to her side.

"Go on, open it!" she exclaimed passing the envelope to me.

Taking a deep breathe, I turned the envelope over and tore at the back. I quickly scanned over the first paper before letting out a squeal of joy.

"I made it! I got into the heroes course!" 

My mother looked at me with joy in her eyes. Once I had finally finish jumping in excitement she pulled me into a tight hug. That was when I realized I the tears streaming down my cheeks. I've been working my butt off for this ever since I was four and now it was happening. I was going to become a hero. Pulling back, I wiped away the tears and let out a shaky breath.

"Why don't we go shopping to celebrate? You deserve it" my mom said giving me a huge smile.

Hearing her proposal, I quickly nodded my head. We didn't go shopping often, but when we did it was the best.

"Let me clean up first. I'll meet you by the car" I say running to the house.

The rest of that day went to my favorite shops and cafes. I was so exited knowing my hard work was paying off. That night I slept well with the knowledge that my plans were falling into place.


Today was the day, the first day at UA. I woke up at my usual time of 4:30 am so I could start getting ready. After I had went through my usual morning routine I walked to my closet. Hanging on the door was the uniform I had been sent. I got dressed quick, leaving off the jacket considering I was always cold and the slightest bit of heat threw me off. Placing on my favorite grey combat boots, I glanced at myself in the full length mirror. Determining I looked like i cared for my appearance I walk back to my bed to meditate. It only took me 20 minutes to get ready so I had 20 left to meditate.  A while had passed before I heard a knock at my door.

"It's open!" I shout.

"Breakfast is ready and your mom has a surprise for you."

Looking up I watched my father's back as he made his way to the stairs. He was ready for work in his suit and tie. Lately I noticed he was really stressed out so I've been trying to do what I could to make him less worried. Hopping off my bed, I followed him while closing the door behind me. We made our way down and into the kitchen. On  the island were two plates filled with bacon and toast. Grabbing one of the plates I began to eat slowly. Glancing over at the stove while I ate it read 5:20. I guess I lost track of time I thought. A sudden bang pulled me from my quick thought and caused me to jump. Looking past the dinning area and into the living room one could see my mother struggling to rip the rapper off of something. I walked over to her while placing my plate on the table.

"Need any help mom?"

Upon hearing my voice my mom jumped. Turning around she looked at me before a giant smile engulfed her face.

"Oh Sweety! You look so cute! Wait right here while I go get the camera!" my mom exclaimed, running off.

Glancing back to my dad he gave me shrug. The rest of that morning I spent taking pictures for my moms sake. Once it hit 7:50 I ran to the door. Grabbing my bag I had placed there the night before, I was about to take my leave when a hand gripped my shoulder. 

"Have a wonderful day sweetheart! Oh, take this for good luck" My mother said placing something in my hand before pushing out the door and closing it behind me.

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