Chapter 3

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I stood there staring at my teacher as he nodded. He was there. That day that I wish I could forget and he was there. But I have a photographic memory and I don't  remember him... unless.


No words were said as Aizawa brought his arms up. I could feel tears cloud my eyes as I hugged him. Now in no way were Aizawa and I related, but He was around ever since I was born. I grew up calling him Uncle until that day in which we lost complete contact. I had always wondered if I would see him again. 

"Ya know it would have been nice to know the person I was looking for was a pro" I choked out.

"Yeah I guess" He said pulling back. "I looked for you at every orphanage, but always came up empty handed. A lead came in a year back yet it seem to go no where or that was what I thought until the entrance exam."

Hearing this I gave him a small smile.

"Hey I uh, well if you don't have any work tonight you could always stop by for dinner so we could catch up" I said glancing down.

"That would be nice. I just need to finish up here."

"Then I'll stay and help!" I exclaimed

In return I received a small smile while my teacher/ uncle draped an arm over my shoulders.

"Sounds good kiddo. Also this way I can introduce you to my husband" Aizawa said happily.

"Wait, your married? Huh and I thought you would be single forever" I said as we walked into the school. At my words he turned to me with an uncertainty. Before he could say anything I rush to the changing room. Inside I took a deep breath. When I got to my locker I opened it up and took a good look at myself in the mirror placed on the inside. My dark purple hair framed my face in soft curls causing my light skin to pop out. I had contacts in turning my eyes completely black.  Smokey like markings could be seen making their way up my arms and neck. I need to really cover these up I thought as I changed. Once I was back in my uniform I made my way to the classroom. Inside I was meet with an interesting sight. Aizawa was seated on pro hero Present Mic's lap grading papers. Mic happened to be kissing Aizawa's neck and whispering words only they could hear. Not wanting to know what else they might be planning on doing I cleared my throat to get their attention. The sudden noise caused the both of them to turn to her.

"Um this is-"

"So, this is your husband. . . Nice" I said interrupting Mic.

"Yup, Night this is my husband Hizashi  Yamada. Babe this is Night my niece." 

"Nice to meet you Mr. Yamada" I said smiling brightly.

Next thing I knew I was being lifted up in a bone crushing hug. I let out a small yelp as I was placed down and spun around.


All I could do was let out an uneasy chuckle as I glanced to my uncle. He happened to be brushing himself off after having been push to the floor. He sent me a small shrug once he noticed my slight uncertainty. 

"Trust me, that is how he is all the time."

"Hey we should change if we want to leave with out getting noticed" Yamada said rather loudly.

"Hold up you're done with work?" I asked confused.

"I told Yamada that I was talking the night off to catch up with you and he convinced Midnight to cover everything for me and him. He kind of invited himself along" Aizawa said.

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